Robin's Decision

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Robin walks into the library and using his memory follows the tunnels until he is at the lowest level.

"Hello Robin, come to save your friend or your enemy?" Slade says as both victims are dangling over a barrel of lava.

"I'm here to save both," Robin says.

"Trust me Robin you don't know what you are doing," Slade says.

"Believe me I do," Robin says.

Slade releases Raven.

"Fulfill your destiny," Slade tells Raven.

Raven summons a staircase that ends at the palm of the hand.

"Raven, no," Robin says.

"Why do you care? I'm a demon remember?" Raven throws Robin's words back at him.

"Raven, stop!" Jinx yells as she and Kid Flash arrive in the chamber.

"Why bother? Robin doesn't care about me, he has lost hope so I too have lost hope," Raven says.

"It's true I have lost hope, but that doesn't mean you should bring back your creator," Robin says.

"I'm not, I'm leaving for good, if you can lose hope what is there for me?"

The statement breaks Robin's heart.

"Azarath Metreon Zenthos, Azerath, Azerath, Azerath," Raven chants.

"Jinx, stop her!" Robin yells.

Jinx snaps her fingers and closes the portal just before Raven can reach it. She hits the ceiling and gets knocked out.

"Take her to the cave, Jinx and I will deal with Slade," Robin says to Kid Flash.

"You got it," Kid Flash cradles Raven and zips out of the chamber.

"Now the question remains, are you going to save the man who took everything from you?" Slade says.

"If I were you I wouldn't," Jinx says.

"Deal with Slade, I will save Zucco," Robin tells Jinx.

"Got it," Jinx says.

Robin uses his boomerang and cuts the rope holding Zucco above a pit of lava.

"Why are you doing that? He murdered your parents," Slade says as he fights Jinx.

"He may have took my parents away but I was still raised to do the right thing, and the right thing isn't vengeance it is justice. He will get what he deserves, it's just not lava."

"You fool," Slade says.

"Jinx take Zucco to the jail, I will finish Slade," Robin says giving Jinx a grappler.

"You don't know what you did, you just ruined your chance at forgetting your history," Slade says.

"Wrong, I can't forget my history, my history is what made me. Zucco will get what he deserves and so will you," Robin says as he pushes Slade into the lava.

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