The Flashback

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The computer goes off indicating that there has been crime.

Robin walks over to check why the alarm went off.

"Zucco," Robin says angered as he sees a toothpick fall to the ground.

"Looks like the brothers have arrived," Kid Flash says as they all look at the screen.

"You guys deal with the brothers, I'll take Zucco," Robin says putting his mask back on.

"But where are they going?" Raven asks as the team watches the mobsters walk to the left of the screen.

"The last place they know I would want to be," Robin says.

"The circus," Kid Flash says.

"We will all take the R-Mobile," Robin says as the automobile starts.

"Rob, are you sure you want to take Zucco alone?" Kid Flash asks.

"Zucco is the mastermind everyone else is just muscle. I have dealt with worse psychopaths when fighting alongside Batman. Compared to Slade and the clowns in Gotham City, Zucco is no threat, he just wants to finish the job."

"And you are going into the trap?" Jinx says.

"He wants me, he gets me."

"So, what's going to happen when we get there?"

"Most likely the Tamer will try and tie me up, Kid Flash can grab the whip before he can even try, Raven, you will take pins from the Juggler and anything else that can be juggled, Jinx, you will deal with the Strongman," Robin says driving to the circus grounds where they fought Mambo.

"And how am I supposed to do that? I can't take down a huge guy like him," Jinx states.

"Raven, get into my bag and take out one disc of each color and a pen," Robin tells Raven.

Raven digs into the bag and grabs a red disc, a yellow disc, a green disc, and a pen and gives them to Jinx.

"What can I do with these?" Jinx says.

"The green one is camouflage gas, the yellow goes off when it hits something, the red is a bomb and the pen detonates the bomb."

"She gets a bomb?" Kid Flash whines.

"Sorry Wally, but they are too dangerous to be used recklessly," Robin says using Kid Flash's real name to show he is the most serious about this mission than any others.

"Wally?" Jinx says.

"Be quiet," Kid Flash blushes with embarrassment.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," Jinx kisses his cheek.

"We're here," Raven says as they arrive at the circus tent.

"Let's do this," Robin says as they all get out of the car and start walking toward the tent.

As they get closer Robin starts having a flashback to the night Zucco killed his parents. He stops and freezes in place afraid of going to see his first enemy.

"Robin, are you OK?" Raven asks noticing that her closest friend and teammate isn't walking.

There is no response.

"Rob, Dude you OK?" Kid Flash asks as he and Jinx join Raven.

Still no response. Raven crosses her legs and starts to levitate.

"What are you doing?" Jinx asks.

"Finding out why Robin isn't moving," Raven says before closing her eyes.

Raven's energy leaves her body and enters Robin's.

Raven arrives in the memory that is currently haunting Robin. Raven starts a mental conversation.

"Robin, what's happening?"

"Raven get out of here, Zucco will take you too," Robin says.

"Robin, this is only a memory. If you don't come back and lead us then nobody is safe," Raven says.

"Just leave, Kid Flash knows what to do," Robin responds.

"Robin, this is your fight, we can help but we need a leader; someone who knows what we are up against," Raven responds.

"OK let's go back," Robin says agreeing with Raven.

Raven returns to her body and Robin's flashback ends.

"Let's go get them," Robin says with his arm in front of him and his hand in a fist.

The four of them run into the tent where Zucco and his brothers are waiting.

"Nice to see you again Dick," Zucco says.

"How did you find me?" Robin asks.

"Now I know that your father taught you better than that," Zucco smiles.

"Titans Go!" Robin yells to the group.

"Take them down," Zucco says.

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