Slade's Return

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"Let's go," Robin says as they walk to the R-mobile.

"I will follow you from the rooftops," Batgirl says.

"Good idea," Robin agrees.

The four Titans get into the R-mobile.

"I didn't think Slade would return," Raven says.

"You may not know psychopaths but I do, they always return," Robin says making a sharp left turn.

They arrive at the plant where they found Slade after he was saved by Trigon.

"Hello Robin, it was so nice to meet your old enemy, but of course partnering with him is so much better. I even brought him a present," Slade says pointing to a shadowy place.

The Strongman is holding Starfire captive.

"No!" Robin says as he sees his best friend.

"Robin, what is happening?" Starfire asks.

"Starfire, don't try to get out of it," Robin says as he sees her hands turn green.

Starfire stops her anger and just looks disappointed that her best friend is being secretive.

"What do you want?" Raven asks while Robin is preoccupied with Starfire's disappointment.

"What any arch nemesis wants, for my enemy to suffer," Slade says.

"Rob?" Kid Flash waves his hand in front of Robin's face.

Getting no response Raven takes charge.

"You guys deal with these psychos and I will help Robin, Jinx, Slade is the most dangerous, you deal with him," Raven says starting to levitate.

"Why is she the one who takes care of the new enemy?" Batgirl says.

"Because, you are going to deal with Zucco," Raven says.

Raven levitates and her energy moves to Robin's body.

He is watching the Strongman hold Starfire over a pit of lava.

When Raven finds what Robin is seeing she starts a mental conversation.

"Robin, this isn't going to happen," Raven says.

"Yes, it will. It always happens when I have an enemy who wants to cut me."

"Robin, you told me that I can make my own destiny, that my life is my story, and that I am the most hopeful person you know. Now it's your turn."

"But what if they win?"

"Robin, you took on fireguards made from lava, crossed crumbling bridges, and dove toward a lava pit to save me. You have what it takes to win, take that courage to save Star," Raven says.

"You're right. I'm Dick Grayson, the first Robin, I can do this," Robin says with determination.

With a smile Raven returns to her body and Robin returns to reality.

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