Hope Restored

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Raven and Robin return to the Tower and walk into the common room.

"Friends, you are unharmed," Starfire says, knowing how much Raven doesn't like happy gestures she only hugs Robin.

"Are you OK?" Robin asks his best friend.

"I am fine," Starfire responds walking away.

"Dude, what happened?" Beast Boy asks.

"Yeah, we saw a bomb detonation come from the library," Cyborg says.

"Let's just say Slade won't bother us anymore," Robin says.

"I need to go meditate," Raven says leaving the room.

"I gotta go do something," Robin says following Raven.

"Robin, please tell me who that was who captured me," Starfire requests.

"I'm sorry Starfire, it's something I need to keep to myself," Robin says.

"I understand," Starfire says returning to the common room.

Robin goes into his room and writes a note. He then goes to Raven's door and slides the note under the crack.

Raven picks up the note and walks to Robin's room as requested.

"What did you want to talk about?" Raven asks.

"Come with me," Robin says as he opens the hidden door.

"What's going on?" Raven asks as the door closes behind them.

"I want to thank you for your help, and apologize for calling you a demon," Robin says taking the toothpick from the case and replacing it with the one he grabbed from the scene at the circus.

"I'm sorry I said that you were turning into Slade," Raven responds with her own apology.

"Were you really gonna go back to Azarath?" Robin asks.

"Yes, you were the one who showed me what hope was, I always believed that you would get justice the right way. But when you told Batgirl what you made it made me see you differently," Raven says.

"I know that I said and did things that I shouldn't have, things I won't say again no matter how mad I am, and I am so sorry I made you feel like I lost hope," Robin says.

"What about now? Is your hope restored?" Raven asks.

"As long as we have our bond and you are hopeful mine will never go away," Robin says to her.

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