The Secret Cave

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Raven and Robin head West to the second tower where Kid Flash, Jinx, Pantha, Speedy, and Jericho decided to stay after fighting the Brotherhood of Evil.

"Kid Flash, come in," Robin says.

"Robin, what's up?" Kid Flash answers the call.

"I need help and a little luck," Robin responds.

"Jinx is fighting the H.I.V.E. Five," Kid Flash says.

"Gotham has come to Jump City," Robin says knowing that Kid Flash knows about Zucco since they knew everything about each other while being in the Young Justice League.

"You mean he is after you?"

"Yes," Robin responds.

"I will have Pantha, Speedy, and Jericho take care of the H.I.V.E Five, meet us at the museum," Kid Flash says.

"You got it," Robin responds before ending the transmission.

Robin takes a left and Raven follows him.

"What took you so long?" Kid Flash asks.

"We aren't as fast as you KF," Robin says calling Kid Flash an old nickname.

"I haven't heard that nickname in a while," Kid Flash says.

"We're here, go do what you need to do," Speedy says as the rest of the honorary Titans arrive at the museum.

"Jinx, leave the H.I.V.E Five to the others, you and I need to help Robin," Kid Flash says to his girlfriend.

"Just one second," Jinx says snapping her fingers.

The snap brings a huge force that takes down all of her former partners.

"Follow me, and don't even think about a race because you have no clue where we are going," Robin says to Kid Flash.

"Fine, let me call a ride," Kid Flash says.

"No need," Robin says pushing a button on his motorcycle.

"No way, I get to drive the R-Mobile?" Kid Flash asks as a red and yellow version of the Bat-Mobile arrives in front of them.

"No, you get to drive the R-Cycle," Robin says getting off his bike tossing Kid Flash his helmet and Jinx the spare.

"No fair," Kid Flash says putting the helmet on.

"Hey, there are a lot of buttons and I don't want you to accidentally blow up the city we are supposed to protect," Robin says as the doors to the R-Mobile open upward.

"He does have a point, you do tend to let your curiosity get the best of you," Jinx says, "Besides I like bikes better," she finishes getting on the bike.

Kid Flash smiles.

"Let's go Raven," Robin says.

Raven nods and gets into the car.

As they start driving the screen starts to ring.

"Hey Little Robin, what's up?" Robin says.

"Zucco isn't alone, his brothers are with him, be careful," Little Robin responds.

A car revs in the background on Little Robin's side, "Looks like The Dark Knight is back, keep me updated," Little Robin says before hanging up.

"I thought you were the only Robin," Raven says.

"Nope, after I left Batman felt empty so he kept adopting orphans, Little Robin is the first sidekick to be blood related to Batman."

When Robin gets close to the coordinates that his successor gave him he pushes the button with his superhero initial on it.

All the superheroes arrive in the cave at the same time.

The door closes as everyone gets on their feet.

"Woah, this looks like the old hangout," Kid Flash says.

"Of course, Batman built it in case of something like this," Robin says.

"So can someone please catch me up? Who am I giving bad luck to?" Jinx asks.

"Someone from my past is after me, he wants me gone," Robin says as he brings up Tony Zucco's file.

"That's not Slade," Jinx says.

"No, but understand that this mission is top secret, nobody except us can know any details about me or my past," Robin tells Jinx.

"I understand," Jinx agrees.

Having to gain the trust of Jinx Robin knows that he will have to take his mask off.

"I can't believe I'm about to do this," Robin says taking his mask off and revealing his blue eyes.

"I always imagined you with brown eyes," Kid Flash says.

"Anyway, this is Tony Zucco, he was my first nemesis before I moved to Jump City."

"So why does he want you gone? You would think that he wouldn't look for you when you left," Jinx says.

"Zucco is a mobster, he killed my parents and now he wants me dead," Robin explains.

"Why?" Jinx asks.

Robin presses a few buttons and brings up a picture of the place he last saw his parents.

"Before I became Robin I was in the circus, my parents and I were acrobats, my dad was the manager. While in Gotham Zucco offered us protection, not liking the threat my dad denied the offer, and you can figure out what happened next."

"He killed them and now he wants you," Jinx connects the dots.

"Yep, I asked you guys because you have a better chance of being able to help me defeat them," Robin says.

"Them?" Kid Flash says confused.

"Little Robin said that Zucco brought his brothers with him."

"Exactly how many are them?" Jinx asks.

"Four," Robin says.

"OK, we are going to need a plan, this is not one of our usual bad guys and we don't have a Ring of Azar like you had with my father," Raven says.

"Right," Robin says.

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