Chapter 7

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Adalyn Miller

"Adalyn! Open this door, why is it locked?" My mother's voice startled me awake and I shot up realizing there was very much a snoring alpha in my bed. He groaned and scooted over until he could wrap his arm around my waist, his head resting on my lap.

"Adalyn, are you okay?" I could hear the worry in my moms voice and I gently coughed to clear my throat.

"Yeah, yeah I just um, I'm not feeling very well." I looked down as Roman's chuckle vibrated against my thighs.

"Okay sweetie, do you want to stay home today?" She asked.

"Yes." Roman mumbled.

"Yeah." I repeated after him running my fingers through his hair.

"Okay." After that I could hear her footsteps fade away until they were gone.

"You almost got me caught." I scoffed poking him in the back.

He chuckled, opening one eye looking up at me before closing it again.

"Go back to sleep." He mumbled.

Oh my god, is it bad that even his morning voice could turn me on?

"Baby girl, it's 7:30 in the morning and you're already wet again?" He hummed, smirking.

"Roman." I whined.

He opened both of his eyes and sat up, leaning his head up to kiss my lips.

"I'm sorry baby, I know I turn you on very easily." A cocky smile was displayed on his perfect lips as he reached forward and gently took my bottom lip in between his teeth. He released my lip and gently planted his on to mine.

"Roman." I sighed. I had to tell him about the bonding ceremony.

"What baby?" He pulled back cupping my face.

"Tonight is the bonding ceremony and since I'm 18 I have to attend. Some man will have to chose me to marry him." I whispered.

If anyone else were to walk in you would think I said I killed his mother. It was like a switch was flipped in his mind as his eyes darkened and his whole body tensed.

I watched as his hands gripped the sheets of my bed so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

"Come home with me." He said. His voice was stone cold but I know he didn't mean it towards me.

"W-what?" I asked. I placed my hands on his chest as a way to calm him down as he continued to take deep breaths.

"Come home with me. We can leave this fucking city and you can become my queen. We can rule my pack together and I can mark you." He whispered leaning forward so that his lips were barely touching mine.

"And so you can fuck me." I whispered back.

That was all it took for him to slam his lips against mine as we both hungrily devoured each other. His tongue slid across my bottom lip and I immediately opened, allowing him to slip inside.

He groaned against my lips while he began to grind against my thigh. I smiled into the kiss as I traced his chest down to his pants so that I could cup his hard length through his pants.

I gently squeezed and I could feel him pulsate through his pants. He pulled away and looked down at me as he sucked in a deep breath, pulling his bottom lip into his mouth and gently planting his teeth into it.

"Baby we got to stop. I promise I'm going to come get you later and I will take you home." He mumbled.

"And when we get home I'm gonna fuck you so hard." He groaned leaning forward to kiss my lips one more time.

He pulled away and began to get up out of the bed while I attempted to catch my breath.

"I have to go home and get some things in order before you arrive. I'll be back by 2 and we can go home together, okay? When it's time, meet me by the wall." He said while reaching for his shirt on the ground.

"Okay." I whispered, crawling to the end of the bed where I sat up and grabbed on to his neck, bringing his lips down on to mine.

We separated and he put his shirt on over his head before he put on his shoes and laced them up. He looked at me one more time before winking and jumping out of my window.

I got up and moved towards the window watching him retreat back into the forest.

This man was going to be the death of me.

All of a sudden I got butterflies in my tummy as I giggled, realizing I was going to leave with him. I smiled to myself and got up, grabbing one of my bags from under my bed.

I packed everything that I would need. The only hard part was going through my closet and deciding on which clothes I needed since I only had a limited amount of space.

I stopped midway through packing as the realization hit me. I will never see my family again. I will never see my mom or my dad. Or any of my friends, well not that I had many to begin with.

But all of these realizations and doubts were overcome with the idea that I'd be with Roman. He was my family now. And his pack would become my family. Whether I realized it or not the bonding ceremony wasn't the beginning of the rest of my life.

Meeting Roman was.

I sighed and looked over at the clock. It was already 12:45 so I decided I would spend the rest of my time with my parents.

I unlocked my door and walked downstairs to see both of my parents were gone. I scrunched my eyebrows and went into the kitchen where a note was sitting on the counter.

'Went out into town for last minute preparations, be back soon'

Well I guess that idea is off the shelf.

There was one last thing I wanted to grab. I know that in our attic we had a bunch of photos. Of us in family photos, me as a baby, my parents as teenagers and so on. I opened the door to the attic and turned on the light.

Almost everything had a layer of dust covering it so I opened the chest closest to me.

I smiled as I pulled out several pictures of me as a baby with my parents. I always wondered who my older sibling was, it makes me sick to my stomach thinking about what happened to them.

I continued to dig through the box and towards the bottom was an envelope with a letter in it. I pulled it out and unfolded it, attempting to read the cursive writing.

January 5th 2000
Dear Miller family,
I hope you see to it that the illegitimate child is taken care of. I apologize for the trouble your husband and I have caused. I have no use for this baby as I have already given away my first born and I am satisfied with only having my two other kids. I can't afford to take care of another child and ask that you take of the burden. If anyone asks say the child is your first born and give them to the priest. That way you will never have to go through the struggle of giving up your first born. As for you Tara Miller, you keep a tight leash around your husband as to not allow him to have any other children born that are not yours.

May god bless you,

Lilian Ferron

I was the first born.

The First BornOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora