Chapter 11

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My mom pulled up to the church and I became more anxious. I felt light headed the closer we got.

Relax baby. I'm here.

I took a deep breath and focused on his voice. She parked the car and turned to look at me before she leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead.

"I hope you find happiness in there. Find someone who will love you for you, flaws and everything." She reached over and grabbed my hand, gently squeezing it.

I guess it's a good thing I already did.

"Okay momma." I reached over and hugged her as hard as I could. I know this would be the last time I would probably ever see her.

I pulled back and grabbed her hand again, squeezing it once more before I let go and got out of the car. I shut the car door behind me and took a deep breath. Waiting right by the entrance was Berlin. She waited for me to reach her before she leaned over and hugged me.

I returned the hug and thanked her for coming. She looked stunning. She was wearing a black dress that hugged her curved and ended mid thigh.

"Shall we go Alpha?" She asked grabbing my hand.

I took a deep breath and nodded my head as we pushed open the door to the church.

It was already filled with people and from where I was standing I could spot Travis. Oh god, I forgot about Travis. I grabbed on to Berlin's arm and lead her the opposite direction of him as I hide us in the corner.

The pews that normally took up most of the space in the church were pushed to the side so it was like a giant ballroom, well besides from the statues of Jesus hanging from the walls. I sighed and closed my eyes attempting to calm myself down.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" Shivers were sent down my spine and I immediately knew who it was.

The room quieted down as everyone turned to face the front of the church.

"Thank you all for making it here on this fine night! Tonight you will leave here with your future spouse and begin the rest of your lives. Once chosen by your spouse you will go with them to your new home, where there the real bonding ceremony will take place." Many of the guys hollered in celebration and my stomach twisted.

There was a loud growl and I knew that Roman was not pleased at all.

If anyone so much as looks at you I will rip their throat out.

Roman, it's okay.

He continued to lightly growl as Monara continued to speak.

"Now, I ask all the gentlemen to come forward and pick a number from this basket, it will determine in what order you will chose. Now for the ladies, I ask you to please line up at the front of the church.

"I got to go." Berlin whispered. I looked at her as my eyes widened and I shook my head no.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'll just be hidden. If you need anything just mind link me on the packs link, okay?" She said. I nodded my head and she disappeared in the shadows.

I hesitantly walked to the front of the church and lined up with the rest of the girls while the guys got their numbers.

Good news baby, another warrior Mark is there. Look for a man with a green tie. He will chose you and then the three of you will travel to the northern exit tonight.

I looked around the church and stopped when I saw a male with a green tie on. He looked up at me and nodded his head at me and I let a sigh of relief out.

"Alright! Let the ceremony begin!"

At the sound of his words all the men lined up in front of the girls and one after another they began choosing the girl of their liking.

This made me sick.

I scanned the guys and noticed one of them was already looking at me licking his lips.

I will snap his neck.


What?  He asked innocently.

I rolled my eyes with a smile and looked down at my shoes.

Mark said after there's one more person and then it's his turn baby. We're almost there.

I let out a sigh of relief but watched as the guy from earlier stepped out of line and looked at me.

"You." He said pointing at me. I looked around and saw that Travis was fuming along with Mark.

"W-what?" I mumbled.

"You, I chose you." He repeated.

I felt lightheaded as I stepped out of line and walked to stand next to him. He made a move to wrap his arm around me but I scooted away.

Adalyn I swear to goddess I'm going to rip his head off.

And by the sounds of it Roman was fuming as well. I could practically hear his chest rumbling with anger.

Mark chose a random girl and stood next to me in line. He looked to me with a worried expression but I nodded my head telling him I was okay.

"And that concludes the bonding ceremony for tonight. Now take a few minutes to get to know your partner as they will be your partner for the rest of your life." Everyone began chatting and I awkwardly stood next to him as he turned to face me.

"Hey I'm Elijah." He held out his hand for me to take and I gently forced a smile, placing my hand in his.

"Adalyn." I responded.

"Well it's nice to meet you Adalyn. It crazy to think you'll be my future wife." He said smiling.

At least that's what he thinks.  Roman grumbled.

I nodded my head and smiled looking around to try to see if I could find Berlin.

Alpha, if you would like we can leave now and begin our journey.

Yes, give me one moment.

Oh shit is that our Alpha female?

Who the heck was that?

Shh stop clogging the link with your useless questions.

And there's another voice.

Roman why am I hearing other people's voices?

He chuckled lightly before responding.

You're communicating on the pack link, so everyone in the pack can hear you.

I nodded my head even though he couldn't see me and I was about to excuse myself to the 'restroom' but before I could a hand was placed on my shoulder.

Roman snarled as he began to growl loudly.

"Adalyn, mind if I speak to you for a moment, in private?" I turned and I took a breath so my body wouldn't tremble.

"Of course Father Monara."

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