Chapter 23

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I sighed as I entered our room, allowing the cool air to envelope me. I walked over and plopped out on our bed enjoying that soft sheets and mattress underneath me.

I grabbed the letter from out of my bra. I had hidden it in there when Roman turned his back towards me. I wanted to see what it said before I showed him, if I even showed him at all.

I stared at it for a few minutes before I ripped open the top, and pulled out a lined piece of paper. I took a deep breath before I unfolded it and began to read it.

      I hope that this letter reaches you, if not then your loved ones are in extreme danger. You, I figured out who you are; what you are. Why, you are a first born. The one who will supposedly begin my downfall. I will never stop searching for you Adalyn. I won't stop until I have your beating heart in my hand or the heart of your first born child. I already have your mother.'

My heart stopped beating and I began hyperventilating as I reread that sentence over again.

He has my fucking mother.

'I will be sending an associate of mine to come collect you. If you go with them I will see to it that everyone you love is released. Roman will have no one to fear anymore for I will leave him and his pack alone. All you have to do is come home. Live with your husband and be a good girl. I won't harm you or any of your loved ones as long as you follow these simple rules. I even got you a new husband. You should be thanking me. Take this opportunity because there will not be another one. The only other option involves bloodshed.


Tears filled my eyes as I reread the letter. I had no option but to go with whoever he was sending.

As much as I loved Roman, I couldn't put his life or my families life at risk. If all he wanted was me then he would get me. I could solve this here and now if I just went to the city and lived with whoever my new husband is.

I took a shaky breath, gently sitting up before I wiped a few tears that had fallen from my eye. There was no way I would be so selfish and allow myself to harm the people I love. I got up from the bed and grabbed my bag, beginning to pack all of my stuff up.

Ever since I met Roman my life has been going full speed, never once slowing down. I just wanted to stay with him and live a normal life, maybe even have kids one day that'll carry on his name.

I choked out a sob, quickly covering my mouth so no one would hear. I knew I had to calm myself down because if I didn't then I would start balling my eyes out and then Roman would know. 

He could always detect when something upset me whether he was in the same room as me or separated by a wall.

I just got home and now I already had to go back. It wasn't fair. What did he want from me? Why couldn't he just leave me alone. I would do nothing to harm him, I was just living with Roman for God's sake.

"Addy..." I froze in my spot as I stopped packing. Just hearing his soft, broken voice made this hurt a thousand times more.

"I-I- what are you doing?" He gently asked taking small steps towards me. I refused to face him as my back stayed facing him. Silent tears flowed down my face as I tried to hold in my breathing.

I knew that if I began to breath again, I would feel again and if I felt again then it would hurt again, and I didn't want it to hurt again. Because hurt always leads to crying in my book and right now I had the dam under control.

I felt his palms gently be placed on the sides of my hips and that's when the dam broke and all the water broke lose. I sobbed out and tried to cover my mouth but he turned me around and pulled me into his chest.

I couldn't let Monara hurt my mom or Roman. I would never forgive myself if I knew there was a way I could prevent it.

Roman wrapped his arms around me, enclosing me in his embrace. I gripped onto him and buried my face into the front of his sweatshirt and I could feel it become wet from my excessive crying. I've always been emotional and I hate it.

I remember when I was younger I started crying because a butterfly got trapped inside our house. I remember I went to my mom crying, telling her that the butterfly was stuck and it was probably all alone and scared with no way out.

"Baby, you have to tell me what's wrong." He whispered. He had to physically peel me away from his body. I looked at his chest, gently hiccuping as I refused to make eye contact with him.

His hand gently grabbed onto my chin, making me look up at him. I almost started crying once I saw the look in his eyes. His normally bright blue eyes were dull with sadness. He looked from both of my eyes and to the bag that was laying on the bed with my clothes in it.

He sighed and looked back down at me, silently pleading me to answer him.

"R-Roman." I hiccuped. I couldn't stop the small sniffles and hiccups that followed as I hugged myself to him again.

He held me tightly in his arms, allowing me to calm down before he tried to ask my anything else.

I backed away and looked up at him, reaching out and grabbing onto his hand which he happily agreed to.

"I have to go back to the city." I whispered looking down at his hand.

"What?" There was a mixture of anger and confusion in his voice as he took a step closer to me.

"Why, why do you have to go back. This is your home. Do you not like it here? I don't understand." He rambled.

"No! Roman, I love you and I love our home but Monara has my mom. He said that if I go to the city then he will never hurt you, my mom or the pack ever again. Why would I risk you guys being injured when all I have to do is go to the city?" I asked looking up at him. I could see the anger slowly taking over his beautiful features.

"And you think I would agree to that? You're being irrational Adalyn." He said furrowing his eyebrows.

"How can you say that Roman? He has my mother, he has the ability to hurt you! There's no way I'm going to be selfish and put your lives on the line for my happiness!" I argued back, I pulled my hand away from his and took a step back. I could see that small action physically pained him as his whole face reflected his hurt.

"What about me Addy, how are you going to leave me? What if I want to be selfish, huh? What if I want you because I can't live without you?" He whispered, dropping his arm to his side.

"Roman, I-"

I was cut off by a knock at the door as Rene opened the double door and peaked through.

"Roman you have a visitor." Rene said, looking between the two of us like he knew what was going on.

"We will talk about this later." He lowly whispered walking out the door and following Rene.

"No Roman I'm not finished!" I said following behind him.

I ran out the door but let out a 'oomph' when I made contact with Roman's solid, tense back.

"Roman what the he-" My mouth dropped open when I moved to the side of him and at the end of the hallway stood the gorgeous girl from his memory.

"Hi angel." She said.


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