Chapter 42

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"Shh don't wake her up." I scrunched my eyebrows as I slowly shifted underneath our soft silky covers.

"I just want a peak! I should be able to see my sons Mate!" A female voice whisper yelled and a harsh smack was heard as a small 'ow' followed.

I pulled the pillow closer to my chest as my tummy rubbed against the soft sheets of the bed.

"Oh Roman, she's beautiful." The voice whispered.

I felt someone softly stroke my hair but I could tell it wasn't Roman as no shocks followed it.

"Oh I see you guys are already working on my next set of grandchildren." She snickered.

"Mom!" Roman groaned. I felt the comforter be pulled up higher on my back and as his fingers skimmed the bare skin on my back, goosebumps formed upon his touch.

"That was not fair that I found out you had a mate and that she was pregnant all in the same conversation with your beta!"

"I was going to tell you." He grumbled. I felt him lean down and sparks erupted on my skin as he gently kissed my temple.

"Mhm sure." She mumbled as Roman sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed next to me.

"Mom mind waiting downstairs while I wake her up so she can get dressed?" He asked softly, placing his hand on the warm skin of my back.

"Of course! Bring her to me when she's done!" She excitedly clapped her hands and her footsteps retreated until the soft sound of the door closing was heard.

"Baby girl." He gently whispered in my ear, softly stroking my back. I grumbled and turned my head away from him.

"Come on you gotta wake up baby." He leaned down and placed his hands under the comforter and on to my hips.

He gently flipped me over so I was on my back and I groaned, pouting out my bottom lip. He took the opportunity and brought his lips down on to mine, softly molding them together as I let out a soft sigh against his lips. He pulled away and I slowly opened my eyes to see him staring down at me with an amused look.

"Good morning sunshine." He gleamed showing me his pearly white teeth in his smile.

"I don't want to get up." I mumbled pulling the comforter up my chest more.

"I know baby but I promise I'll reward you later if I you do." My cheeks blushed bright red as he smirked down at me and by the glint in his eyes I knew exactly what type of reward he was talking about.

"Fine." I said glaring at him as I sat up. He helped me out of the bed and I made my way to our closet to find some clothes.

I looked in the full body mirror and gently smiled to myself as I looked at my stomach and saw the small bump begin to form. It was crazy to me that there was several pups inside of there, ready to begin growing.

Roman walked in and stood behind me as he placed his hands on my stomach.

"Beautiful mama." He murmured kissing the top of my head before I looked up at him, his lips coming down to meet mine in a soft but affectionate kiss.

I pulled away and sighed as I began to get dressed, putting on one of Roman's black sweatshirts with a simple pair of leggings. I didn't feel like dressing up and by looking at Roman's grey sweatpants and black T-shirt, he felt the same way.

I walked out and into the bathroom as I quickly did my morning routine which consisted of washing my face, brushing my teeth and fixing my hair. I pulled my hair up into a quick ponytail before I walked out and grabbed on to Roman's hand, beginning the small adventure downstairs.

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