Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten:
Midnight Hugs

"One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six." Lavender muttered, pacing back and forth as she kept her eyes glued to a picture of her and Syd. "Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. There's no way, there's absolutely no way.. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. But she's so fucking pretty! Fifteen, sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty."

Lavender grumbled, squeezing her eyes shut and tossing her phone onto her bed. Lavender continued to mumble numbers and other incomprehensible sentences to herself under her breath as she watched her ceiling fan spin endlessly.

Lavender had barely noticed the sun setting before it was long set over the horizon. Her folded hands rested on her stomach as she closed her eyes, trying ro slow her breathing. Her hair spread out, hanging off of the bed and she had her feet propped up against her headboard.

The girl hadn't moved from her spot since she laid down, but she didn't care. She just wanted to think. Lavender wanted to nothing but think, yet at the same time, she didn't exactly want to think either. Really, Lavender didn't want to do anything but she couldn't. Her mind wouldn't release her from the cruel hold it held on her.

A frantic pounding on the window pulled Lavender back to reality. Her eyes popped open and she tilted her head back to look at the window.

Her heart lept at the sight of Sydney standing there, a frantic look in her eyes as she mouthed for her to open the window.

Lavender's throat dried as she rolled back and landed on her feet. "Syd.."

She opened the window, worry etched onto her face, "Sy-"

Sydney cut her off by climbing into her window and frantically pacing back and forth. Lavender slowly approached the girl, all worries about herself and her feelings towards her melting away.

"I-I.. I almost killed him!" Sydney hissed, raking her fingers through her hair.

"Wait, what? Who? Stanley?" Lavender asked quietly, "You can tell me what happened."

Sydney froze in her tracks, turning her head to look at her. It was as if time itself stopped when the girls locked eyes. Lavender barely had time to register what had happened before Sydney had launched herself into her arms. "I know."


The constant ticking of the clock annoyed Lavender to no end as she read over the test.

"Hey, hey!" Stanley whispered harshly, turning to look at Sydney who sat beside Lavender. "I need to talk to you."

"Eyes on your paper. No talking." The teacher scolded, looking around at the class, a clearly annoyed expression on his face.

Lavender sighed as she stared holes into the back of Stanley's head. She, for one, wanted to kick him in the shins for the things he'd said to Sydney. But she wouldn't, just because she'd feel guilty after.

A quiet grumble left her lips as she tore her eyes from the boy and looked down towards her paper. She mouthed the words to the test questions as she mentally went over what she'd learned.

"How's it hangin'?" The teacher's voice brought Lavender's attention from her test to where the man stood in front of Bradley's desk.

"It's, uh, it's hanging." Bradley answered, awkwardly tapping his pencil against his head. "And, um, how are you today.. sir?"

The teacher stayed silent as he plucked the tests from both Dina and Bradley's desks. Dina awkwardly slid down into her chair as Bradley shot him a look. "I didn't even do anything!"

"You wanna try that again?" The man rose an eyebrow. Bradley swallowed thickly, avoiding the teacher's prying eyes as he tried to think of an excuse.

"We-Well you see, sir." Bradley began to stammer, "My ankle.. It's been really swollen, and the pain meds I'm on.. Well, they make it hard to focus, so-"

"Detention." He cut Bradley's sentence off short. "After school, both of you.. And you'll receive failing grades on this test."

"Seriously?" Sydney hissed, raising her head from the test and setting a firm glare on him.

"Excuse me?" He challenged, crossing his arms as he dared the girl to continue. Obviously, he didn't know Sydney at all. Because when she was challenged, she would take it.

Lavender jumped as Sydney slammed her fist onto her desk, "This is such bullshit! Dina has been studying for weeks for this test! Now Brad cheats off her and she has to fail the test? I mean.. that is such bullshit!"

The man's eye twitched as he pointed to the door, "You can take that language straight to detention. Anyone else?"

Stanley stood up suddenly, causing the teacher to roll his eyes as the boy stood there awkwardly. He gulped, reaching forward and shoving the books off of his desk. "Um.. m-motherfucker!"

Sighing deeply, realizing he doesn't get paid enough to deal with any of this, "Okay. Fine. Detention for you, too, Mr. Barber."

Stanley nodded in satisfaction, sliding back into his chair and folding his hands on the desk. The teacher crossed his arms, looking around the room, waiting for another daring student to challenge him. "Are we done now?"

When Lavender stood up, the man looked like he died a little bit inside. "Okay, great. I guess we're not."

Lavender set her glare firmly on the man, making direct eye contact as she lifted her leg and kicked the desk over. "You sir, can suck my fat dick!"


{ A/n: Ya'll im so close to picking my cast for the apply fic ahh }

{ Edited: No }

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