Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen:

old Water


Lavender yawned, shifting her weight from her left foot to her right foot as she listened to Stanley ramble about his plan. 

"Okay, so.. The plan is quite simple." Stanley grinned, holing up two burritos. "First, we distract Whitaker with burritos. I'm gonna put them in the microwave and blast these bad boys up on high, and then.. Boom. Whitaker'll hear it an come running. When he takes off from the teachers' lounge, the coast'll be clear straight through the principal's office. Then, we'll make our move.  Syd, you're the key man.. Key lady."

"Why am I the key lady?" Sydney asked, raising her eyebrows with a sigh. 

"Because you're good with your hands." Stanley answered with a shrug.

"Ew." Sydney grimace, shooting a look at Lavender who had stifled a giggle.

"Dina, Lav, you guys are look outs." Stanley pointed at the both of them.

"Okay." Dina nodded, glancing over at Lavender who held a mischievous grin on her face.

"Oh, we're gonna be the best lookouts you've ever seen." Lavender grinned. "Right, Dina?"

"Right." Dina confirmed, looping her arm through Lavender's.

"Cool. So you guys are gonna keep eyes on Whitaker. The burrito bomb should keep him busy for a while. That man cannot resist a fire extinguisher. That should give us the time we need to get in. Burrito bombs are disgusting, last time I set one off, my whole house smelled like bean farts." Stanley shook his head, seemingly having flashbacks of the incident running through his head.

"Gross." Dina scrunched her nose up. 

Stanley nodded, "Anything goes wrong, one of you signals us, and everyone take cover."

"Wow, this sounds like a great plan." Lavender pursed her lips, resting her foot against the locker as she crossed her arms.

"This is literally the worst idea I've ever heard." Sydney crossed her arms, shaking her head in disappointment.

"It's fair, it's totally fair.. Can you guys think of a better one?" Stanley rose his eyebrows, pausing as he waited for one of them to come forward.

"We take a really big rock and throw it through it at Jenny." Lavender clapped her hands together and pointed at Stanley. "No? No takers.. Okay."

"Okay, so, our best hiding spot's probably behind the old trophy case. And we wait for the smoke alarm. That should buy us more time, which we need.. because there is a shit ton of keys. Like, a metric shit ton. It's ridiculous." Stanley continued. "Once we're in, we head straight for the security system in the closet, and that's it. Whatever you do, do not panic, do not bail, or we are screwed."

"Noted." Lavender pursed her lips, "Got it. No panicking."

"Great, but what happens if our plan goes to shit?" Sydney asked, uncrossing her arms. 

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