Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven:
Lizzie. Syd. Ricky.

"One. Two. Three." Lavender chanted, inhaling slowly as she focused her eyes on the lights hanging from the ceiling. "Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Te-"

"What are you? Autistic?" Jenny scoffed, cutting Lavender's ryhmatic chanting short, "Your counting is annoying."

Lavender sighed, tearing her eyes from the lights as she raised her middle finger to the girl. "At least I can count."

"Whatever." Jenny scowled, rolling her eyes and turning around.

"Whatever." Lavender mimicked in a high pitched tone. Jenny sent her a glare as Dina, Sydney, Brad and Stanley walked in. Lavender's back straightened when she saw Sydney, her breath hitching in her throat as they locked eyes. Mr. Whitaker followed them, anger radiating off of him as he stopped in front of the bleachers and folded his hands in front of him.

"Alright, everyone, take a seat. Now. Hurry. He silenced, waiting for the four teens to find their places. Lavender gulped and shifted as Sydney sat herself down beside her. He nodded in satisfaction once everyone had taken their seats, "Disrespect. You have disrespected this fine institution, and in doing so, you have disrespected yourselves. Four of you I've never even seen in detention before. I want you to take the next few hours to think about your mistakes and carve out in your mind a plan for change."

Lavender shifted, her heart skipping a beat as Sydney's thigh brushed against hers. Sure, being this close to Sydney was completely normal.. But something about this time felt different. More exhilarating.

"Determine how to improve yourselves. Figure out what the word respect means to you. Now, you can start by respecting this beautiful gymnasium. Between now and seven p.m., you're gonna scrape up every damn piece of gum from the bleachers." He tossed the box onto the bleachers angrily, "Get started."

Stanley raised his hand, preventing the man from leaving. The man sighed, clearly growing annoyed with the boy. "Yes?"

"Uh.. w-will there be breaks? For-For, like, snacks.. and dinner.. and stuff?" Stanley stammered, slowly lowering his hand. Mr. Whitaker scoffed, rolling his eyes as he turned and left the gymnasium.

"Hey, I'm really sor-"

"No." Sydney cut him off, turning her head to look at him and sending him a harsh glare. "I'm not talking to you."

Stanley cleared his throat, pursing his lips as he straightened his back. Awkward tension filled the gymnasium like tear gas as Dina stood up, "Okay, I know none of us wanna be here right now.. But I was thinking, if we divide and conquer the bleachers, maybe we can get done before seven and Whitaker will let us out early."

Lavender nodded, "Good idea. I call Sy-"

Jenny cut her off, clapping sarcastically with an overexagerated grin spreading across her face. "Go team!"

"Bitch." Lavender muttered under her breath, causing a chuckle to leave Sydney's lips.

Dina rolled her eyes with a scoff as she sat back down beside her boyfriend. "I'm not a cheerleader."

"Maybe you should be!" Jenny laughed, tossing her hair to the side.

"Maybe you should be in prison." Dina fired back, narrowing her eyes at Jenny as she crossed her arms.

Jenny licked her teeth, daring the girl to challenge her again. "That's my wet dream."

"I-I don't know, guys.. This gum has been here for decades. I don't think Whitaker actually checks, it's a social experiment." Stanley offered awkwardly, fiddling with his fingers in his lap.

"Someone's been smoking his stash." Bradley muttered, just loud enough for the surrounding teens to hear.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up, dickface." Lavender scoffed loudly, sending the older boy a middle finger.

"You know what?" Jenny cut Bradley's sentence off short. "I have an idea. Why don't we play Fuck, Marry, Kill?"

"How on-brand." Dina said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"So who goes first?" Jenny looked around, waiting for someone to volunteer. "Alright, I'll pick. Eenie, meenie, minie.. Brad."

Bradley's face flushed as he looked over at his girlfriend. "Guess if I have to-"

"No. Not another word." Dina cut him off, causing the boy to nod quickly, pursing his lips.


"Oh, what about you, miss Goody-Goody? Or are you too afraid?" Jenny challenged, raising an eyebrow.

"Why would I be afraid?"

"Cool, then.. Fuck, marry, kill.. Stanley Barber, Mr. Whitaker.. and Syd." Lavender straightened her back, clearing her throat as she sat up. Jenny's lips curved into a smirk.

"Well, clearly, I'm killing Whitaker-"

"So are you gonna fuck Syd or marry her?" Jenny cut her off, laughing as Lavender's face reddened and she narrowed her eyes in anger and jealousy at her.

"Total life goal to marry your best friend." Dina shrugged, sending a grin over to Sydney. "If Syd'll have me."

"So, you and Stanley.. in an all day bone-sesh. Ugh, you little slut!" Jenny pouted, faking a tear rolling down her cheek. "How does that make you feel?"


"Nevermind. Lavender. You're up." Jenny smirked, turning to face Lavender.

"Shoot me." Lavender mumbled, "What is it?"

"Hm." Jenny placed a finger against her chin, pretending to think. "Sydney. Ricky. Lizzie."

"Well..Lizzie's gotta go. I'd fuck Sydney and.. I guess marry fruitboy." Lavender trailed off, secretly wanting to say she'd marry Sydney, too.. But she didn't want to make it weird.

Sydney shifted, jealousy flaring up in her veins. She couldn't even enjoy the fact that Lavender said she'd sleep with her, too busy focusing on the fact she said she'd marry Ricky.

Ricky. Fucking. Berry.

"Lavender Berry." Jenny laughed, "Sounds so stupid."

"Why don't you go, Jenny?" Sydney rolled her eyes, subconsciously leaning into Lavender beside her, despite the jealousy flaring in her veins.

"Well, actually.. I thought you should go next, Syd.." Jenny trailed off, "But then I remembered that no one in their right mind would realistically have sex with you, besides Lavender, but she'll sleep with anything with legs, so-"

"Hey!" Stanley cut her off, sending a glare her way.

"Why don't you just shut up, no one wants to hear you." Lavender scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"What? Is it not true?" Jenny laughed bitterly, shaking her head. "Does Syd Novak have some high fuckability score, and I just don't see it?"

"Je-" Sydney cut Bradley's sentence off as she stood up abruptly, her face changing to a deep red color as she angrily left the gym.

"You know what, Jenny? Yes, she does. I'd fuck Syd. Hell yeah I would! She's hot as fuck." Lavender sneered, standing from the bleachers, "And I'd fuck Stanley, I'd fuck Dina, Hell, I'd even fuck Brad! But you know what? I sure as hell wouldn't go anywhere near your STD infected pussy."


{ A/n: lowkey,,, lav went off- }

{ Edited: No }

𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 ~ 𝐬𝐲𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐤Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ