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Faye's POV

I sighed as I slumped back on my chair in the office.

"This day is too... eventful" I trailed, mumbling under my breath. Mrs. Santillan talked to me about the incident earlier and I can see that she was quite dissapointed.

I was asked to call their parents in her stead so that I can explain properly and to convince them to show up tomorrow.

I can feel my nerves building up because lord knows how those parents will react. I hope they will try to act as civil as possible and not yell on the phone.

Going through the contact list, I scanned through the last names of the kids. I heaved a deep sigh. Well here goes nothing.

After 4 calls, I was already dead drained. One father argued about his son being too well deciplined to do something petty like fight in class and one mother was crying on the other line saying that she was extremely sorry for the behavior of her son and it took a lot of reassuring and sweet words to calm her down. And another mother was... I don't know what to say. I cant help but think about how that call went.

I dialled Janet Smith's number the mother of James.

"Hello, Good Evening ma'am. I am Fayette Johnson from the Sunny Child Development Center the teacher of your son, James."

"He-Hello? This is Janet Smith. W-what are you doing don't touch me there" She giggled talking to someone probably beside her.

"Um.. Ma'am this is about your son, James Smith He-" I was cut of when I heard more giggling and some weird talks with weird voices and whispers

"O-oh Sorry Miss..?" She trailled off

"Johnson, Ma'am." I answered still weirded out

"Heyy, Im talking to the phone right now. I'll do you later." I heard as she whispered to someone while slightly panting and giggling.

"Sorry Miss Johnson, I was quite oc-" She wasn't able to finish as I heard Full blown moans and groans in the background.

I was confused as to what is happening until I heard dirty talking. What the fuck!!!, They are doing the Deed!! horrified and embarrased, I quickly ended the call.

They were... Oh my god. I did not heard anything. I. Did. Not!. I did not call again instead I left her a message. My face was burning hot as I felt so embarrased. I shook my head as I did not want to recall what I heard. I decided that I need to take a break and I'll just call the last parent tonight at home.

I did everything I needed in the office and went home. I was greeted by Faith in the door and I just cant help but smile.

"Im home now, Faith." I pet her head and she purred. I picked her up and settled us in the couch.

"Little Faith, a lot had happened earlier. I feel drained!" I complained to my kitten, as if she can understand me she meowed and rubbed her head in my face. I smiled and felt myself slowly slipping off conciousness.

I stirred off my sleep and rubbed my eyes. I saw Faith sleeping in my chest. I slowly carried her and set her in the cat bed. I stretched my limbs and I looked at the clock. It was already 8 pm. I slept for an hour.

I cooked myself dinner and ate. I washed my used plates and walked to my room. I sat on the bed and looked at the last person in the contact list. Damon Vincent Knight, The father of Caleb Vince Knight. I dialled Mr. Knight's number and waited for someone to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I heard a deep gruff voice

"Hello Mr. Knight. Good Evening. This is Fayette Johnson from the Sunny Child Development Center. I am the teacher of your son, Caleb." I said softly as I felt a little nervous

"Oh! Then you must be the infamous Miss Faye. Caleb told me quite a lot about you." he said, emphasing my name

"All good things, I hope." I said with a low chuckle. I cant help but feel happy that Caleb talks about me. That kid is quiet but his eyes speaks thousands.

"No need to worry Miss Faye. It was all good. Too good in fact. " I can feel him smirking on the other line as his tone suggests.

"So... Mr. Knigh-" He cut me off

"Damon. Call me Damon, Miss Faye" He said

"uh.. okay D-Damon" I let his name trailled off my tongue and I felt my stomach churn. What's wrong with you girl?

"Did Caleb.... Perhaps shared anything to you about what happened today ?" I asked slowly as if I am stepping in some landmine.

"Yes... Yes Miss Faye. Caleb and Ian told us about the incident earlier and that we are to visit you in 2 days." I heard him sigh

"Yes Si- I mean, Damon. We will have to settle this matter for the well being of the kids." I quickly masked my mistake ans reprimanded myself internally. Fayette Johnson! Calm down this instant!

"Well, I will be meeting you in two days Miss Faye." I heard him chuckle.

"S-See you.. Damon" I said stuttering and I ended the call.

I looked at the phone. "What the hell was that?! Why was I stuttering like an Idiot?!" I asked myself. I shook my head furiously. I was such an idiot. I should have acted more professionally.

I took a deep breath and set down my phone in the table. I walked into the bathroom I took a shower and wore my black nightie. I snuggled on my pillow thinking about the conversation Damon and I had and thinking how I should have acted and what I should have said. Not long after thinking I fell asleep.

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