Nothing but a paid Birth Giver

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Damon’s POV

I felt my blood boil as I look at the shameless woman in front of me after taking my money, now she’s here again messing up with my life.

“I'm sure that I already gave you your fair share of warning to stay away from my son and my life. Pasha” I hissed as I look at her in the eyes. I saw fear in her eyes and she gulped but she quickly covered it with a sickening sweet smile.

“But baby, I am the mother of your son. Caleb is our son.” She said with fake concern.

“Pasha, you are nothing but a desperate woman who schemed to bed me and carry my child. The last thing that I want is you to become the ‘mother’ of my child.” I said calmly. Maybe keeping my cool can let her small brain process what I am saying.

“It can’t change the fact that Caleb is my flesh and Blood and only I can be his mother. And-” She got up stalking into my direction.

“Don’t you love me baby? Because I am crazy… extremely mad for you.” She stopped right in front of my desk while batting her lashes.

“I'm sorry. I don’t love women who are desperate, shameless, and gold diggers.” I dismissed.

“Then… who do you love? That plain woman with your son today? Damon. I did not know that your standards started to deteriorate.” She rolled her eyes. With the mention of Faye I can’t help but feel on edge.

“I don’t have to explain myself to you Pasha as you are nothing and nobody in my life. Know your place and don’t speak of her with that dirty mouth of yours” I gripped the side of the table as I felt my patience slipping out.

“But you my dear, had fun with this dirty mouth” She leaned her face closer while pressing herself together to give a better view of her cleavage that I couldn’t even care  less about.

“Get out Pasha, before I end up doing something that I will absolutely not regret.” I threatened.

“I'm afraid I can’t do that, and if I will Caleb is going to be with me.” She clapped back smirking at me knowing that I will never let my son go.

“Don’t play with me Pasha. Killing you is nothing but the same as killing a mosquito.” I glared her way.

“Try doing something the same as the act you pulled in the mall and I will hunt you down.” She chuckled.

“Damon, I will not stop until I get what I want. You and my son.”

“You do know that you accepted the money right Pasha? The moment your skin touched that money you gave away the right that you have over Caleb. And now you’re back for more money? I don’t play games Pasha. Believe me when I say that I can kill you. More of your acts towers my life and Faye and I will not think twice in putting a bullet straight to your empty head.” I saw her gulp and her hand shook in fear.

“Pasha you are nothing but a paid ovary for my son. You are merely a woman who gave birth to my son. The one who’s going to be the mother of my son is definitely not you and preferably that ‘plain’ girl that you’re talking about. Get away from my sight and don’t ever let me see your face again or so god help me, I will end you.” I said slowly.

“George. Get this thing out of my sight.” I ordered and George dragged her out of my office. Damned whore.

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