Coffee and Ice cream

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Matilda’s POV

I took a sip of my well-deserved coffee after everything has been going through with my life.

My Husband, who harmed my daughter and his accomplice abducting my daughter and making her participate in a goddamn survival game. My daughter, who was laid up in the hospital because of my husband, and once again in the hospital because of my husband’s accomplice in his brilliant plans to keep his company. Not like he’s going to lose it. I heaved a deep breath.

I don’t know how to fix this all damn mess. I don’t know whether I should tell Faye about this, or not and just keep this all a secret. But, that’ll be unfair to my daughter! I sighed and gulped down my coffee.

“I want to tell Faye.” A voice boomed in my office.

“I thought so. I gave you the choice so I’m up with everything you wanted to do.” I set my cup on the table while Damon settled himself in a chair in front of me.

“Faye deserves to know what kind of ass her father is.” Damon gritted. I can’t help but agree on that.

“When do you plan on telling her Damon?” I asked. I had to get myself ready for this. I think I’ll faint.

“Tonight.” He announced and my stomach did a back flip. God help me

“Okay…” I tried to keep my voice from faltering.

“I know that this is going to be hard for you Matilda. But this is for the best. We can’t just keep on being unfair to Faye. The more we keep it, the more the pain of being betrayed adds up.” I nodded my head. I can’t help but feel the dread in my stomach

“I’ll call you later tonight, Matilda.” Damon announced as he stood up from the chair.

I sat silently as he walked out of my office. So… this is it. I stared at my phone in the table hoping for it to disappear. I took the phone with shaky hands and dialed Hughes number. I waited for him to pick up the phone.

“What is it?” He breathes out.

“Are you free tonight?” I asked. Stood up and paced back and forth


“Great. Dinner tonight. I’ll text you the place. See you Hughes.” I swiftly talked and ended the call. I gulped down the rest of the coffee. I guess coffee for this day is not a good idea. The coffee is making me nervous and jumpy. Shit, I need to calm down.

I walked out of the office and drove out to the nearest ice cream parlor. I'm going to calm the fuck down with ice cream. I walked inside the ice cream parlor and a petite woman asked for my order.

“Give me the whole tub of Cookies and Cream and Mint Ice cream please” I stated in a serious tone. The woman looked at me as if I’ve grown two heads. She opened her mouth to speak but didn’t continue and  complied.

She handed me each tub of cookies and cream and mint Ice cream. I thanked her and gave her few dollar bills. It was too much but I’m sure it covers the price of the ice cream. I was that edgy.

I sat in a hidden spot of the parlor and started eating the tub of Ice cream. The people around the parlor looked at me as if I was insane and started muttering things about me.

I couldn’t care less! I was damn nervous. I wonder as to how Faye will react. Will she hate me? Will she get disappointed? Will she… not want anything to do with me after? I can’t help but tear up after all my thoughts.
And so, my day went by like this. Me, crying in an ice cream parlor and stuffing my face with ice cream. Not the best, but totally better.

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