Knight in a Well-Tailored Suit

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Damon’s POV

I watched Cain dragged the beaten body of two pieces of shits.

“How is the search going Daniel? What is taking so long?” I asked calmly trying not to lash out.

“We have our men searching the forest now sir. They also fought with some men in the middle of the woods. Probably paid killers.” Daniel glared towards Pasha and her Father, Liam. Cain kicked Liam and he hollered in pain.

“Paid killer? Really Liam? Do you think we’re going to spare you after this?” Cain asked as he stomps on the Liam’s fingers. He screamed in pain.

“Daniel, you said there are fuckers out there aiming for her head then hurry up! Find her!” I gritted.

“Yes Sir.” Danielle nodded and left the room. I faced the two while sitting comfortably in the chair. I gave the look at Cain and he gave me a curt nod. He lifted Pasha’s head by tugging her hair back.

“Pasha. I already told you didn’t I? Don’t harm Faye and don’t play games with me.” I looked at her tattered form.

“But look what you did. You provoked me. Now, pay the consequences.” I gave Cain the cue and he beat the two black and blue. I watched as they begged for their lives. I watched intently listening to their screams as it appeases my anger but I can’t still feel relaxed as my men still are unable to find my Little Faye.

“Cain, don’t kill them yet at least not yet when Faye is still not found.” I said dismissively.

“You’ll never find her Damon. I'm sure she’s now dead and violated in so many ways.” Pasha hissed. This made me lose it. I kicked her right in the face still sitting in the chair.

“Oh? Violated?” I asked mockingly.

“Cain. Have the guys play with this woman. I'm sure they’ll appreciate the offer.” I looked at Pasha with an evil smirk as I saw her eyes widen. Cain called someone on the phone and more than 10 men entered the room.

“Take her.” I ordered the men and saw them smirk. They dragged Pasha who is kicking and screaming.

“Stop!! How dare you Damon! I will ki-” He angrily cried out before Cain kicked him right in the face.

“What’s the point on making them stop? You know well what kind of woman your daughter is.” Cain mocked Liam. He hated the man to the core.

“You don’t know what you’re doing son. You’ll regret this!” Liam screamed but Cain only laughed.

“Regret? Yeah right.” Cain kicked Liam that sent him flying across the room.

“This is the last thing that I’m going to regret Porter.” He harshly whispered to Liam.

“Sir, We found Miss Faye! She’s in the infirmary.” Daniel announced and I jumped out of my chair running towards the infirmary.

“Mr. Knight.” The doctor acknowledged.

“She lost too much blood but she’s stable now. Thanks to the medicine Mrs. Johnson sent us.” The doctor nodded his head towards Faye.

“She’s just sleeping. She’s going to wake up in no time.” He said as he excused himself out. I looked at my Little Faye intently. She looks better than she used to in the hospital.

“Damon?” Faye asked weakly. My eyes snapped in her face that is looking in my direction.

“Little Faye.” I smiled softly “How are you?? Are you hurt somewhere??” I looked at her with worry. She shook her head. And shyly said

“I'm… hungry.” She looked down her face reddening. I can’t help but softly chuckle as I asked someone for food.

“Thank you.” She stared at me. “For everything.”

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