I love you, The End.

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Faye’s POV

I watched Caleb and Ian ran around the skating center. The two looked at the ice range in awe.

“Mommy!! I wanna skate!!” Caleb jumped up and down while pointing at the people who are skating. I chuckled and nodded my head.

“Baby, Go to Uncle Danny. He’s going to give you skating apparel.” I pointed to Daniel and watched Caleb ran over him and tackled him down. I giggled as I saw Daniel’s Face.

“Are you not going to skate Little Fae?”Dasked behind me and I shook my head.

“Um… No. I don’t feel like skating.” I lied. I don’t know how to skate at all.

“You sure? Do you even know how to skate?” He asked looking at me amused.

“Of course! I just-just don’t feel like skating.” I fiddled my fingers.

“Oohh. I bet you don’t even know how to put on skating shoes.” He mocked successfully annoying me.

“Of course I know! See? See? I know how to put them on okay??” I glared at him as I put the skating shoes on.

“Okay. Then let’s skate.” He stated.

“What-” I screamed as I my feet left the ground

“What the!! Damon put me down!!” I screamed as I pound his back with my fist.

“We’re skating Little Fae. You know how to right??” He chuckled as he set me down in the ice range. I tried pushing him off but I almost lost my balance. I squealed as I hold unto his neck as if my life depended on it.

“I don’t know how to, okay?! God, Damon I hate you!!” I screamed as he laughed at my predicament.

“You should’ve told me Little Fae.” he kissed my forehead as I pout.

“And what? Have you laugh at me? No way!!” I wanted to stomp my foot but lord, that’s not going to be the same in the ice. He looked at me and chuckled.

“You know that I won’t laugh at you.”

“Right.” I grumbled still clinging on him.

“Here, hold my hand.” Damon extended his hand and I hesitantly hold it. He started skating back holding my hand making me skate with him too. This continued for so long and I finally learned how to skate after a lot of falling down.

Well Damon caught me in almost all of them but not the part where I skate away from him. After a while we watched a movie and ate dinner in a fancy restaurant that made me self-conscious.

“God. This place is going to kill me.” Daniel laughed at my antics.

“Don’t worry Faye. You’ll get used to it.”

"I tried that my whole life Daniel!” I exclaimed and he laughed even more.
“I like pizza shops better.” I grumble. We ate and we had comfortable small talks. I loved it. Small talks, Good night, Good food, People that are close to my heart and a peaceful day.

“Come with me.” Damon whispered while he took my hand leading me outside.

“What’s up?” I asked as I stared at Damon’s back.

“Well… I just wanna talk to you, Little Fae.” He started.

“Here. Turn around” He said and I turned around. He put on a necklace in my neck and I unconsciously touched the pendant of my necklace.

“Thank you.” I said breathlessly. He gave a big smile

“You’re welcome Little Fae.” I heard fireworks going off and I looked up.

“Wow.” I stared in awe at the firework display. Fireworks of different shape and color go off the sky. I looked at Damon and gave him a smile. He leaned in closer and pressed me in his chest.

“I love you Faye.” He whispered looking straight in my eyes and his face leaning closer.

“I love you too, Damon.” I said breathlessly as I felt the elephants in my stomach go wild and my heart jumping off my chest. He pressed his lips on mine and our lips mould perfectly together moving in sync. My life never felt better.


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