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Faye’s POV

I sat patiently on the steel table while looking at the blank white walls and vacant tables. I can’t help but notice the heavily armed cop guarding the steel door.

Not long after two cops walked in dragging a haggard looking Pasha. She got bruises all over her arms and face. She squirmed while glaring at the cops that were dragging her.

Her eyes snapped on my direction and her face and glared hardened. The cops forced her to seat in a seat opposite of mine. She forcefully sat her glare not leaving me.

“What the fuck are you doing here, huh?” She asked looking at me as if I was the worst bug that ever existed.

“Just checking up on you, Pasha.” I answered. I tried to say it nonchalantly but I can’t help but let pity slip on my voice.

“I don’t need you to check up on me, Fayette. I don’t need your pity so bring that shit with you and get out of my sight.” She hissed at me while baring her teeth. Damn, she wants to rip my head off.

“You’re father is in trial and I’m sure he’s also good to jail after that.” I stated coldly. She tried to attack me but the guards pushed her back the seat.

“Oh yeah?! Well I don’t seem to see your father with us here in jail. I guess your stupid self can’t just bear to see your father behind the bars yeah? Weak!!” She screamed while wiggling out of the grip of the guards.

“My father, as much as it pains me that he betrayed me is not like you. Criminals.” I lowly growled out.

“This is going to be the end Pasha. I suggest you to change and live a better life so that you can start anew.” I said as she looked at me and laugh at what I just said.

“Wow! to think that those words come from you Fayette. After what Damon and you did to me? There’s no change. There will be no opportunity to start anew.” She glared at me.

“I'm not done. The moment I get the chance to get out of here, I'm coming for you. I will make your life miserable. Mark that in your damn head.” She harshly whispered.

“I'm going back in.” She announced and the guards and stood up. They escorted her back in the cell never looking back at me.

I shook my head and stood up as well. I can’t do anything about that already. She owns her life. I can’t help  but shudder at her threat. I walked out and saw George pulled up in front of the building.

“Miss Faye.” He acknowledge as he opened the door of the car. I send him a small smile and climb up in the back of the car.

“How was it Miss Faye?” George asked as he started driving.

“She’s tough George.” Shook my head and sighed.

“Don’t worry, She won’t have the change to hurt you guys again.” He gave me a small reassuring smile.

“I hope so too George.” I weakly said and looked out of the window. We reached home and I walked out of the car running inside the house.

“Faye!! Mommy!!” I heard the cute voices of Caleb and Ian running down the stairs. The sight of the two made the dread in my stomach disappear. I can’t but smile at them.

“Hello, Babies!” I chuckled as I hugged them both.

“How are you? You’re not giving Mari troubles right?” I asked glaring at them playfully.

“Nope!! Mari is baking chocolate cake!! Let’s go!” The thought off chocolate cake made my mouth water. I walked with them in the kitchen.

“Mari!!! I love you!” I cheered as she gave us slices of chocolate cake. With that, we started stuffing our face with cake.

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