What naughty girls get

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Faye’s POV

After the incident earlier the party went back to how it was before as if nothing happened. I had to keep Damon in check just to make sure that he doesn’t strangle anyone.

Boy, was he furious! Damon sat beside me and I reached for his hand and pried it open. He stared at me and I felt myself shiver. Calm down, woman! I caressed his hand trying to reassure him that I am okay. He sighed and sunk in my touch.

“I'm okay, Damon. There’s no need to ruin the party just for something so petty”

“That man just insulted you! Right in front of me! I’ll make sure he learns a lesson.” He gulped down the wine in front of him greedily and took deep breaths to calm himself. I kept on caressing his knuckles to calm him down.

“Damon, I'm just going to the restroom. I’ll be back.” He slipped his hand off mine and I walked out of the room. I headed straight to the restroom but stopped in front of the restroom door.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“To congratulate you, of course!” The voice answered.

“We both know that’s not the reason why you’re here Pasha.” I said as I tried to turn into her direction.

“Don’t move, Fayette. Or who knows! You might startle me into pulling the trigger!” She said with fake concern. Just like how fake her boobs are. I felt cold metal touch the nape of my neck.
“You don’t know what you’re doing Pasha. Drop the gun.” I said firmly.

“The say is mine and not yours Fayette. I told you to stay away from Damon but look what you did! My son Caleb is calling you ‘Mommy’ and you’re getting engaged to Damon. Totally the opposite don’t you think?”Air is knocked out off my lungs as she grabbed my hair and slammed my head on the door. I groaned in pain as I felt the impact.

“Oh, Fayette… you poor, poor girl. Do you know who let me in? Do you know who gave me this gun? Do you know who asked me to kill you?” She asked trailing the gun on my back gripping hair harder.

“Just someone beside you… Someone so close to you Fayette, Someone you trusted the most.” She wickedly laughed and slapped my cheek. I felt blood trickled on the side of my face.

Shit! Im bleeding! I squirmed in her grip trying to pry her hands away from my hair.

“Stop moving, Bitch!” She hissed. I squirmed even more to get out of her hold.

“I said, Stop!!” She shot my leg and she covered my mouth muffling my scream of pain. I felt tears slip out of my eyes as I felt blood trickled in my leg.

Fuck! That goddamn hurts! “See what naughty girls get? A bullet in the leg.” She laughed as she burned my image in her brain. Smiling widely when she saw me bloodied and hurt.

She waved the gun in my face and I did the thing that most people would have done. I bit her arm. The taste of blood spread in my mouth as I chomped on her arm. See what naughty girls get? A bite. The gun fell in her hands as she cradled her bloody arm.

“Fucking Bitch!!!!” She screamed at me while looking at her nasty wound. I slowly got up and dragged my wounded leg out of the hallway. Before I reach the end of the hallway, I heard Pasha called.

“Say Hi to Satan for me in hell, Fayette.” I heard gun shots in the air. My knees gave out making me fall on the floor.

I coughed and felt blood push out of my throat. I felt blood pool on the floor as my eyes get blurry. So… this is it huh? I can’t help but chuckle sadly. I did not even tell Damon that I love him yet. I closed my eyes and felt my consciousness slipping.

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