I Kissed a Man

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Faye’s POV

I sat on my office and tried to comprehend everything. Bitch, you kissed a man! Your Boss at that! My mind retorted.

Wait… he isn’t actually my boss!! Just… just for today. Still your boss. I groaned and clutched my head.

I kissed a man. A MAN. Not a cat, it’s a man. And I liked it. And it’s Damon for Christ’s sake!!! My god. I have gone Crazy. Me, Pressed to the man, kissing him fiercely. What’s scary is I liked it. I liked how he made me feel. I liked the feeling of the elephants in my stomach go haywire. I like how soft his lips are. I liked kissing the man.

“I'm such an Idiot” muttering to myself. I took a deep breath to calm myself. Great. My first kiss was taken by a man I have no relationship with whatsoever. Just… great.

I banged the back of my head on the chair. How am I going to act towards him now?! I have no freaking idea! It’s definitely not going to be the same anymore. I can’t just act all chummy to a guy I kissed while we have no relationship. That’s so not me. Blame my hormones. It’s totally their fault. If only… I was able to control them then it’s not going to end up like this. Me over thinking about a kiss.

You’d still kiss him again if you have the chance anyway. I gritted my teeth not liking my conscience at all. Thinking that I needed a break I called Maria to check on Caleb.

“Hey Mari”

“Miss Faye, Good Afternoon”

“How is Caleb? Did he eat already?”

“Yes Miss. He already did. He made a fuss about not eating with you today though.” I nodded my head. We always eat together on Saturdays because I am free but I am a secretary for Damon today.

“Please pass him the phone Mari.” I heard shuffling on the background after a while I heard a soft voice

“Faye? I miss you” I heard on the background and I suddenly have a smile plastered on my face. I can hear him pouting on the other line

“I'm so sorry sunshine. I had to help your daddy because he’s so busy at work”

“Okay… Go home early okay?? Let’s eat and watch SpongeBob together.”
“Of course sweetie. I’ll be home before you know it. I have to go now baby. I’ll bring home some donuts” I heard him in the background cheering

“Really really?!”

“Yes, of course! Anything for my special boy” I chuckled

“Thank you Faye!! See you!!” I smiled and ended the call. That boy is just so precious. I have been stopping myself to not spoil him but I'm not doing a good job.

Trying to forget about what happened today I tried to bury myself in work and avoided Damon like a plague

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