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We arrived in the city and found a parking spot kinda close to where we wanted to walk around. Trev parked the car and we all hopped out, it was like a circus car with teenage boys popping out. I was walking alongside Trevor but I was looking ahead of me, at the tall boy with his kinda long blonde hair blowing in the wind, Jack. Jack and I had a really nice talk last night, I think we're gonna be really good friends. He's just so easy to talk to, you just stare into his piercing blue eyes and get lost. It's like I could tell him anything. I heard something and I turned my head and saw Trevor trying to get my attention. Apparently I zoned out and didn't realize, whoops.

"SOPHH" Trev says flailing his arms around trying to get my attention.

I snapped out of it and realized he was talking to me before responding "uh yea what's up"

"Cole, Quinn, and i were thinking we could go to Starbucks, do you guys wanna go?"

"Sure I'm down"

"I second that!" I heard alex say from in front of me.

"Kk starbs is like two blocks away, so go up to this light and make a left and it'll be on your left" Trev says, pointing the pack where to go.

I see jack put up his hands trying to tell his right from his left and we all start to laugh at him. He says "hey it's not my fault I don't remember my right form my left" he whines. "I mean you play hockey you kinda have to know" I told him, to which he responded "I mean I've gotten this far without it." I responded with an "true" shrugging my shoulders.
Trev saw this whole thing go down and basically said "you know what, I don't trust any of you guys to not get lost, just follow me" while speeding up to walk ahead of all of us.
Now Alex and I were in the back, and he turned and asked me "so how long have you lived here?"

"Only a couple of months" I told him.

"Oh cool, so why did you move here? Trev never told us"

"Well my parents wanted me to be successful, and Trev had hockey, so I decided to 'be an adult' and move here. I got into Georgetown for next year, I'm not sure if I'm gonna got yet, but right now I'm taking a gap year to travel and really just enjoy being young before I go to college" I told him in one long sentence.

"That's amazing, Georgetown is a really good school, congrats! What are you gonna major in?"

"Thanks, I'm going to be a bio major, what about you? I heard you're going to the university of Wisconsin"

"That's awesome, and yea I'm going to play hockey there but I'm also majoring in business and finance"

"That's really cool, I wish I could play college hockey, my dream was to play for umich but then I got hurt"

"Oh my gosh that's terrible. If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"

"It's okay, I tore my acl a few years back and I never really got back into playing after. I still play occasionally with my family and stuff but by the time I recovered i had ages up too much and I just couldn't get back to the skill level I needed to be at to play in college"

"Aw I'm so sorry" he says with empathy, while opening the Starbucks door for me.

"Thanks. I'm all good now but it's been a long journey"

"Yea that must've been tough"

"It was, but that's enough about me, tell me more about you" I say while getting on line. The other boys had walked a lot faster than Alex and I and had already paid for their drinks and we're getting them, while Alex and I had just got on line.

What if I like you?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora