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I woke up kinda late today to the sound of Quinn and Cole arguing over the bathroom, so I decided to be the only smart one there and just go use one of the bathrooms upstairs. I walked up the stairs and knocked on sophs door to see if I could use her bathroom quickly, and she got up and opened the door. I asked her and she said yes of course. I walked into her room and went to go through the door to the bathroom just to see a sleeping Alex shirtless in her bed. I turned to her "Hey Soph is there, um, something you wanna tell me?" Pointing to turcs.


"Oo good for you guys. At least you're getting some" I said jokingly "hope he wrapped it"

"JACK HUGHES" she yelled at me "we didn't sleep together. We just slept in the same bed"

"Yes. And he's not wearing a shirt." I said pointing that out again

"Neither are you dingus" she said trying to be smart

"Yea well I didn't wake up in the same bed as the person I'm into... just saying" I said before quickly closing the bathroom door knowing if I said anything else she was gonna slap me.

Jack Oo looks like Alex is getting some
Cole damn well that makes one of us
Quinny speak for yourselves boys
Trev damn good for him
Trev who with?
Jack idk might wanna ask Soph about that one
Trev wait what
Soph fuck off jack
Alex chill Trev nothing happened
Soph ^^
Jack or is that just what you want us to think?

"JACK IM GONNA KILL YOU" I heard Soph scream from outside the bathroom "shoulda thought of that before you woke up with a shirtless Alex in your bed" I yelled back. "NOTHING HAPPENED. YOURE JUST MAD CAUSE YOURE NOT GETTING LAID" she yelled. I mean, she's right. But, she doesn't need to know that, "Have fun dealing with Trev, Soph, you better wake the sleeping Alex before Trev comes up here" I told her, I heard her mumble and "ah fuck" under her breath, knowing I was right. And as if on cue, a minute later in comes a confused Trevor with his hair standing up straight.
"The fuck is going on" he says, finding Alex, Soph, and I going to leave her room.
"Nothing man I was just messing with her, I came up to use the bathroom and Alex was in here and I just thought I'd mess with her" I said wrapping my arms around both Trev and soph. Neither of them looked happy with me and I took that as my cue to leave.

Today it was really beautiful out so we decided we were going to golfing. It was such a random thing to do but we were really bored, and as hockey players, we all grew up golfing and were pretty good. We al got dressed in our "proper golfing attire" and got our clubs. We left and got to the course around 1, which was perfect cause our tee time was at 1:26. When we all checked in and paid, they told us 6 was too big of a group and that we should break into two groups of three just to get through the course easier. So, being the great matchmaker I am, I took Alex and Soph into my group, the other group being Quinn, Cole, and of course, Trevor. They teed off first, us less than 10 minutes behind them. We all watched them drive and when Quinn goes up he only hits it about 50 yards, to which Cole chirps "I could hit a better drive with my 9-iron." We all laugh and Quinn gives him a death glare, "yea why don't you grow a few inches before you start chirping," making Cole shut up real quick.
After the boys get to the green, the three of us tee off. First up is Alex, who hits a solid drive, even though it slices to the right a little. Next up is Soph, who hits one of the best drives I've seen, perfectly straight, only about 10 feet away from the green. With a shot like that she's on track for an eagle. We look at her in awe and she bends over and picks up her tee. She turns back to us, and says "oh did I forget to mention Ive played golf for 12 years." "Uh yea" I said. Now it's my turn to tee off, I'm not worried, as long as I do better than Quinn I'm solid, he's a terrible golfer. I hit a pretty decent drive. It didn't go as far as I would've liked but it went straight down middle of the fairway. We all put our bags in the cart and drove to our balls.
We finished the course in about 2 and a half hours, which for a 9 hole course is pretty average. We tallied up our scores while packing our bags into the car.

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