Day 3.

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3- Explain your PoV and Style of writing used

'Explain' your point of view. I find that choice of wording strange but nonetheless I'll do it.

Tense: Present

Perspective: 1st person; a girl named Oksana

Style: Descriptive, motif-using and philosophical

The style of writing in this one is not like my usual work. My usual stuff is inspired by the likes of Chuck Palahniuk and Neil Gaiman AKA my usual stuff is really weird. Sometimes it's just streams of consciousness for a whole chapter. Yeah, I'm mainstream like that. This book though, this "novel", I've decided to take a more...accessible approach. There's still some great imagery (I hope) and the POV character is still a little unstable (how I like them) but she's coherent enough to give realistic views of what's going on.

Okay, that's the difference: I'm using a reliable narrator this time. I'm a fond user of the unreliable narrator but in this book I've gone for the old fashioned truth teller. This, you could say, is my 'commercial' book. Still, that's not saying very much when it's coming from me. I'm the unreliable narrator to end all unreliable narrators.

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