Day 22.

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Day 22: The Ten Best Things About Your Story

Oh man I'm going to struggle with I'm going to do the ten best QUIRKY things about my story:

1. The fact that Oksana isn't a typical Mary Sue main character who is just breezing through life, being nice to everyone, reading some Charlotte Bronte on the side (don't make me puke). She's ambitious and has her eyes on the prize, but she's also coming undone at the edges and frequently puts herself ahead of everyone else (and doesn't even feel bad doing it).

2. The prologue. I love the prologue

3. The Time Stops and how awesome that would be  if they're real

4. The 'ally' triangle, rather then the love triangle...and Oksana opting out of it completley

5. The fight scenes!

6. The deep, philosophical themes (haha, I sound so pretentious)

7. The fact that its mainstream with an edge

8. Kaine. Okay, just Kaine.

9. Kaine and Meredith's relationship and how creepy it is

10. ...the cover! The cover is AWESOME!

Wow...I sucked at that.

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