Day 21.

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Day 21 (my lucky number!): Dream Cast.

Woo I'm glad 21 is the Dream Cast because then it's going to come trrrruuuueeeee. (Right? That's how it works right?)

For more of my stories I have a perfect dream cast laid out but I actually don't have one for this story right now (probably has to do with the fact I don't even have a title...)

But I'm going to just throw one out there right now SO here is my spontaneous dream cast people (subject to revision):

Oksana: Holland Roden (I am aware this girl is way too old to play Oksana but for now she is OK) ... (Get it?!)

Ryker: Boyd Holbrook (there's something really feminine about Boyd Holbrook but I'm sticking with this until I find a good Aussie actor for Ryker)

Kaine: Sam Jackson. (LOL Not Samuel L Jackson, although that'd be interesting, but Sam Jackson from Skins...although It'd be great if he could grow a couple of inches and gain an aussie accent).

Holden: Logan Lerman (Ugh, not him but someone like him. Another teenager who has that cutesy, wholesome look about him).

Meredith: Christina Hendricks and only her

Meg: Megan Prescott (haha, same name. And why are all these Skins actors coming up!?!)

30 DAYS OF WRITINGTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon