Day 23.

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Day 23: Ten Things I Could Improve With My Story

Um, you've been reading this right? Clearly nothing.


1. Wording could be better in places. I tend to over-write things. Ha.

2. Showing all the sides of Ryker, not just keeping them locked in my head

3. The first chapter.

4. Trying to find that perfect balance of parent involvement (always difficult with YA, amiright?)

5. Actually finishing...

6. Not making Holden too hateable, not making him too likeable: finding balance (again)

7. Making sure it doesn't come across as a love triangle

8. The ending is slightly messy

9. More characters? There's maybe 8 named characters and its a pretty broad book...

10. Be more like Chuck Palahniuck (Ha. Ha.)

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