Day 11.

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Day 11: All of the ships in your novel

Okay, there are ALOT of characters so, naturally, there is a huge amount of ships. I'll only list the main ones BUT:

Oksana/ Ryker: (Oker/ Rysana). This is the main one that takes up most of the romance time slot (between 6pm and 630pm people!) They go from allies to friends to flirting to hooking up to not talking but still allies to maybe not even allies to forced together allies to maybe back together. They're fun but not my OTP.

Oksana/ Kaine: (O-Kaine/ Kasana). This is part of the fun little "ally" triangle. You know, instead of a love triangle it's just two guys fighting for this girls friendship and ally-ship. Sounds PG, doesn't it? Well it's not so there. Oksana and Kaine hardly interact in the first book in a romantic way although Kaine does show a particular interest in OK. In the second book OK is more focused on Ryker and Holden but in the final book OK and Kaine do get some time in the lime light. But they're complicated. They were never really meant to be the couple that you ship or the couple that you think are meant for each other. They're the allies meant for each other but not the lovers meant for each other. You get me?

Oksana/ Holden: (Holsana/ Olden). Oksana and Holden are the original couple of the book and safe best friends. They are kind of the Jacob and Bella (blah, bad reference!!!!) of the book whilst Ryker is the Edward. (Making Kaine...better then Twilight?) In the first book Oksana tries to cling to this ship all she can but eventually she takes the plunge into the water...only for Holden to come running back to her. Kind of. In a more villainous sort of way. But this is the typical childhood best friend ship (except that they were high school sweethearts not childhood best friends). If all of the Time Stop stuff had never happened then this couple would've been the only ship to talk about but...plot happened.

Meredith/ Kaine: (MerKa/ Kadith). So creepy. So, so creepy. And it's canon!

Ryker/ Steph: (Styker). I like them! I'll always ship them! Theyre the cute exes who still have feelings for each other nawwwww

Kaine/ All of Merediths old creepy friends: Yeah....In Merediths defense, he likes it!

Holden/ Ella: (Holla!) The hook up that ruins everything. Nice going Holden!

Okay, so those are the main ones. As you can see, there's only really three main ones (maybe four) but there's lots of romance in the back screen (with lots of my fave: subtext!)

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