Day 4.

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4- Describe your inspiration and what message you wish to bring across


Oh man, inspiration is a tough one. It's going to sound ridiculous but I've had one inspiration for everything I've ever written, one singular little thing: a billboard ad. After seeing this ad and being inspired to write my first novel (actually, it was a play, but that's beside the point) I have developed my ideas and reused them and molded them together to create better stories and better premises.

So, I guess you could say, my stories aren't made, THEY EVOLVE.


Unlike a lot of younger authors, I always consider the message of the book before I write. I consider what themes will be brought up by different events, what the book is 'asking' overall and what the answer that question is.

That said, this book has a very ambiguous answer. The main themes I've tried to bring up are:

1. Fantasy VS Reality
2. The teenage mind, and, specifically, the mindset that everything is against them.
3. The concept of time and how it effects us daily
4. The Progression into adulthood--mainly the point where you're neither a teenage nor an adult and you have no clue what you're doing with yourself
5. Self harm and depression
6. Accepting your situation and working through it
7. Popularity VS Being true to yourself

With all that in mind, the message I want to bring across is that at times in your life you are going to have to make mutually exclusive decisions: you're going to have to choose one path or another. You shouldn't be afraid of this but you should always be aware that closing doors can't always be reopened and that sometimes you have to stop for a moment and appreciate what you have right now, rather then continuing on down the path blindly.

I find that at school people are so afraid of making big decisions; I've got a friend who decided to do one of each speciality area just so she could keep every single option open. With one year to go, I don't think that's being smart at all. She's not good at business subjects, but she's doing one anyway because she's terrified of regret. I think regret is natural and that we'll all face regret in our lives, we've just got to work on making that regret over the smaller things and stop focusing on all of the "what ifs."

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