Day 13.

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Least Favourite Character To Write About And Why

When I say least favourite I don't mean I hate writing about them, I just mean I don't enjoy it as much as the other characters. But I still enjoy it loads!

That said, my least favourite character to write scenes about and really flesh out is probably Ryker. Ah, I know, surprise! But I just feel like his personality takes more work to flesh out and I have to put myself into a different conciousness to write about him. His voice and actions and descriptions are more difficult then OKs or Kaines or anyone else. I have loads of fun with him most of the time but there are times when its like "ugh, I really ceebs talking about Ryker right now."

Beneath him would be extras like the parents (actually, especially the parents because the're neccessary but boring) but I'm trying not to cop out of this question haha.

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