Day 20.

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Day 20: If it were to be made into a movie, which Director would direct it and which band would make the soundtrack?

OMG don't let me dream about this or I'll get really sad people. Like, actually, I have all of this planned. I literally have my costume designers selected. I literally have my second boom operator selected. Not kidding. You still think I'm kidding don't you?

I'm into movies, if you haven't noticed. So now let me rant.

Director: Zack Snyder

Zack Snyder...if he directed my movie I would literally do anything for anyone ever. I would literally donate limbs. He is the most amazing, under appreciated, awesome director on this planet. And he is MINE. For all of the uninitiated, he directed Watchmen, 300, Day of the Dead, Sucker Punch and  (not yet out but is going to rock hard) Man of Steel (which is the new superman). Clearly, his specialty is comic book adaptions and pulp fiction/ superhero style movies. Which is exactly the feel I'm going for. The Time Stops can't feel real, that's my ultimate goal. And you know how Zack does this thing where all the fights are either really fast or really, really slow? Yep, that fits my story like a glove. And you know how his visuals are like bathing in milk and eating chocolate fudge laced with LSD? Yep, that's my story right there. He is literally a god and I can't imagine anyone but Zack Snyder directing this. He would bring so much life to the story and add so many layers that you can't even convey through writing. I can imagine Meredith's red dress/cape whipping around her as she smokes a cigarette and watches Oksana slow-mo walk through the frozen city. Or the first time we see the Time Stop: ohmygod Zack would do that so incredibly. I can't even. I can't even begin to describe how perfect his directing would be for my story.

Band: The Naked & Famous

If you saw the playlist, you'd know I'm into this band. Like, weirdly into it considering they've only got one albmum (then again, One Direction only has one album right? And the Collective have none and their fandom is CRAZY). Their music is so techno-indie, it's perfect. The song "Punching in a Dream" sounds like it was written for the movie of my story. The Sun is the perfect song for the final scene. They are perfect and they WILL soundtrack my movie (omg...and can they score it as well? If not them, Johnny Greenwood please?)

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