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She was so close to him. So close to his face. He could just bend a little and Lucas' nose would touch Claire's.

But he bent so much that their lips touched. He placed his hands on her waist, and pulled her a little more closer than she already was.

Before he knew it, he was kissing her, filling the desires he longed for years.

He didnt know why he was doing this, as he was here to say a goodbye. Turned out he never wanted to do so. He's got nothing against her anymore.

Or should he say, it's just not about her anymore?

He tightened his grip around her, feeling how Claire clutched his shirt tightly in her hands. He knew she wanted it too.

Lucas suddenly stopped, pushing her away. He was breathless, lips parted and nostrils flaring. "I'm so sorry." He said, not for kissing, but for making the situation even more complicated. "I won't do that again."

Claire didn't know what to say. She was just as shook as him, breathing hard and loud. "You kissed me."

"I'm sorry."

"You can't kiss Hailey this way." She told him, eyebrows drawn together, voice shaking to the sound of her heart and his.

"I know." Lucas assured. "I know that, goddammit."

Claire sighed, because she was tired physically too. She just plopped down next to her bag and took a deep breath. Lucas saw what she was doing, and took a seat next to her.

"You're doing this knowing that you won't ever be happy?" Claire muttered.


"And it's not just about you, even Hailey will suffer. Connor will lose the only one he loves the most. Do you know what damage it'll do to everyone's lives?"

There was silence for a minute or so, before Lucas took the courage to speak again. "I've thought about it all. I know what'll happen."

"Then why?" Claire sunk her head on her palms. "Why are you so determined on being your dad's puppet?"

There was something that Claire couldn't understand. Lucas sniggered the moment she said those words, as if he were anything but that.

"Puppet? Do you really think I'm doing this because my dad asked me to?" He looked at her from the corners of his eyes.

".. yes."

"Think again."

Claire gulped. She had never in her entire life seen this exact expression on his face. It was dark. "What do you mean?"

He looked haunted.

"My dad has nothing to do with this. It's Hailey and I. This is what I wanted."

Claire slowly straightened up. "What?" She said, startled by what he said.

Lucas took her hand in his own. "Please, don't come looking for me again."


Fun aside, Claire wanted to know more. But Lucas left her alone at the field two hours ago. She had decided to go back to Nate's place, but something was stopping her.


Why was Lucas so stuck up on this wedding?

It was absolutely clear that Lucas' heart was beating so loudly today only for Claire. So then why does he want to hold another woman's hand while he desires Claire?


Hailey definitely would have a key to this. After all, she is the one who Lucas is so eagerly waiting to get married to.

Claire needed to see her. No matter what.

She decided to not pick anyone's call for the time being, but straight away show up at Hailey's house. Yeah, no biggie at all, she was just taking long steps to reach faster.

Claire knew these streets very well, but she did forget what transport to take.

She reached the house quicker than she had assumed to, and with her bag clinging to her shoulders, she walked up to the door and furiously rang the bell.

The guards were kind enough to recognise her face and let her in near the gate, anyway.

She waited, till the door opened to a maid, who let her inside, also recognising her immediately. She showed the way to the living room, where Claire frustratingly sat down on the couch.

"Are you here to meet Hailey?"

No, she was here to mown the lawn.

"Yes I am." She replied politely nonetheless. "Could you please hurry up and get her?"

"Yes, definitely."

And so, the maid never hurried, Claire had to wait for almost twenty minutes.

Okay but what was important was that, Hailey did arrive in a robe, looking as if she had just walked out of shower. Or maybe bath or a freaking pool in her case.

"Claire?? What's the matter?"

Claire had to certainly take a huge breath, before she could speak calmly again. She let Hailey take her own seat and her time to be ready to hear her out.

"I met Lucas today." She said.

"Oh, yeah, Adam told me. Did something happen?"

Claire shrugged. "Not a lot. Just tried to talk about the matter in the hand currently. It wasn't easy, you know."

"I bet. He never listened to be before."

"I bet too. But he listened to me." Claire glanced at her. "He told me a few things, but I really can't grasp it all."

"What about it?" Hailey leaned forward, Trying to have a clear understanding.

"I played the players card." Claire clicked her tongue at herself. "I got too into the character. Hell, I don't even think I was putting on a show anymore. It was all too real."

"What happened, Claire?" She asked slowly.

"He didn't tell me all of it."

"Is that so?"

"But he told me enough to know that there's something that you and Lucas know, that no none of us know."

Hailey leaned back, her face covered in realisation.

"Oh, you mean that. There really isn't anyone who knows about it except Lucas and I." Hailey pursed her lips. "You mean the actual reason to why Lucas wants me to be his billionaire bride, am I right?"


"I was just helping out a friend I met. And Lucas was raging in anger because that friend, turned out to be his brother. Do you know how much I spent on him? Asshole disappeared without a trace at all." Hailey rolled her eyes, with a sneer. "I helped Wesley run."

"And Lucas found out?" Claire was having a hard time breathing.

"Then, Lucas decided since his life sucks, why not make me suffer with him."

Shit, Claire never expected this cliché plot twist. She could use it in her book, righ? Fuck, this isn't the time for coming up with ideas.

This concluded it. What Claire was afraid of.

Lucas holds grudges.

Or maybe, Lucas held just this one against Hailey. Because she was one of those that brought his life to ruins.

Claire took a deep breath, falling back in the couch and rubbing her face tiredly.

In the end, where was this going?


Waw so who's the one that's wrong here?

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