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Let's start with it already without further ado. Also I haven't mentioned the usernames upto few questions, sorry about that! (It's 3am let's gooo)

1) what about Nate, Sean and Adam?

In the book, Nate and Sean are seen to be happy with each other. It's no doubt that they're in a relationship and share a house. But Adam had always been straight, and so he had nothing to do with Sean or Nate for that matter. If Sean and Nate's story were to be discussed, I'd say Adam was just a supporting role to them.

2) Does Lucas want to Marry Claire?

Yes, Even though it's not mentioned in the story [Because it's a little cliché for the author and she is very sorry about that :(( ] the next step in their lives, is however, to get married. They're nearing 30 so like.. yep, Lucas would definitely want to marry Claire and it'd be her who's gonna propose first ;)

3) Did Lucas and Claire end up together?

Yes, in the few last chapters, Lucas and Claire are seen together and they have a few moments. Yes it wasn't mentioned that they're together but when Lucas said "take care of me." In the bathroom before they ran from the building, it was the biggest clue that they decided to get together again.

4) Adam was the most loyal friend Claire had but it seems like he didn't have a happy ending. Clarify that a bit.

Adam's past, present and future was always set to be tough and rough. Even though he didn't get a happy ending, he was happy just being Claire's friend. All these years he found peace in her, and he hoped to never lose it. Adam's story is bitter sweet, since not everyone has a happy ending.

5) this was a great ending but what's with the pancakes?

.. actually, "pancakes" was the first word in the first chapter of TBGA. I just wanted a dramatic ending, finishing TGBF with "pancakes" since it had a more screen time than Chandler. *Cough* I mean, Pancakes were one of the things that showed how different Claire and Lucas' tastes were.

6) Adam is bae why did he end up alone?

As I mentioned already, Adam's life revolves around a bitter sweet story of his own, with his parents being divorced, dad being abusive and him running away with Claire only to find happiness with her. He was extremely happy throughout the sequel, but it had to come to an end at some point as life isn't always fair.
So to answer the question, Adam wasn't actually interested in dating, he was way too happy to be here. It might seem like Adam was totally hitting on Claire but he was only joking around. Adam, was someone who wasn't behind love, but happiness.

7) [to Claire] Are you still the bad girl that we all know and love?

Claire said she'd like to answer this one instead of the author ahem (^_^)

Claire: there were times where I held my head high and walked the school. But I was met with a different environment after I moved out. So yes, I did change a little bit. Maybe I turned soft, considering how much I longed to go back. So in the sequel, when I make my appearance, I'm not the same typical bad girl. I've grown into a woman, and I've grown to love what's in front of me than to ask more.

But if you like the old me, do you wanna try me again? ;)

8) I feel like Claire should have comforted Adam more.

Claire and Adam share their own special relationship without expressing a lot of affection. Maybe author failed to write their relationship in a better way. But Claire really was a listener and knew that Adam wanted nothing more than to be heard. So she stayed quiet while Adam told her how he felt about his dad's death which were not a lot of emotions but just grief of not having a better father or a not being a better Son.
I'm really sorry that I couldn't put this out there in the chapters.

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