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"Where are you?" Nate whisper yelled, while standing in the corner of the filled room. It was so huge Nate thought they could conduct gymnastics here.

Anyway, he was just exaggerating.. unless??

"At the entrance." Claire informed, all dressed up formally, and for the sake of lord, she really was wearing a DRESS. A dark red one, which reached her knees.. she decided she'll either go  with sneakers or barefoot. No Inbetween, and hence she was walking barefoot from home, until Hailey ran into her to offer her some boots.

Well, boots were cool as fuck, and went really well with what she was wearing.

Full sleeved, she also felt a little hot that night.

Oh yes, it had been three weeks already, Claire had a promising job now, and was an author who's book was approved by Sean himself for publication.

It was funny seeing Sean couldn't stop laughing at the names Claire chose.

"What are you still doing at the entrance? Come up. You have a permit, use that. Remember, you're here because Hailey wanted you to be here." Nate explained.

"Why are you saying that?" Claire takes a hold of Adam's arm, both walking towards the elevator.

"Just incase Lucas asks."


"Okay fine, just come up to us."


Adam and Claire got into the elevator, walking in with a few more people who were probably going to the same party they were.

To be really honest, Adam looked better than 90% of the people Claire had ever met. He pulled off his formal clothing rich black suit so hard. He wasn't called a model for nothing now, was he?

Anyway, they got out of the elevator, walking a few seconds just to show their permit and enter the huge hall. They weren't able to spot Nate right away, so they took a seat at the end, heart beating harder and harder by each passing second.

Her phone rang, and she picked it up.


"Connor and Hailey are here. See you in an hour."


Lucas showed up on the stage, right after his dad gave a speech.

Brady Carson Clark, just as Claire remembered him. All in his glory, red tie and chin high. The business smiles and appreciation for the crowd to cheer.

Who was Brady Clark? Claire knew.


"Claire," Adam whispered to her, grabbing her attention. "What is Nate upto?"

Claire smirked. "He's just so good at this. He knows what he's doing."

"What do you mean?"

"Not the time, Adam. Some other day."

"You always say that."

Then Lucas was off the stage, and talking to people Claire had no idea who were they, but they seemed extra rich to be around. Hailey had a wine glass in her hand, holding it everywhere she followed Lucas with.

"And why is Connor here? This is such a bad idea." Adam complained, still whispering and Claire couldn't help but get annoyed.

"Nate knows what he's doing." She repeated.

"Will you keep saying that?" Adam huffed. "I don't know what I'm doing here."

"You don't have to. Just run when you're supposed to."

"And when is that-"

He was cut off by loud exaggerated gasps coming around, and Claire's head snapped up to look at how Hailey finally did her part.

"Fuck." Claire stood up. "She's done it."

Lucas was kind enough to not cause any problems, but just asked Hailey to be safe while he's gone to the washroom to clean up the whine Hailey had 'accidentally' spilled.

Nate immediately escorted Lucas out, helping him to the washroom. He made sure to clear out anyone who was using it, just to leave Lucas alone inside.

Nate: he's here and there's no one else. Hurry up.

Claire: gotcha.

Claire asked Adam to be seated, or accompany Hailey which he agreed to do so. She slipped out of the hall while grabbing the bag with essentials from Adam on the way, not like anyone noticed since no one actually knew her there.

She rushed as fast as she could, without gaining attention, to the bathroom, meeting Nate just outside.

She gave him a go, and Nate fled.

Claire's anxiety was rising, she didn't know if she could pull this off or not. But she had to trust herself. Nate was doing his job, it was only fair that Claire did hers.

Her hands were shaking when she opened the door and looked in. Her head was pounding, when her gaze fell on Lucas, who was rapidly rubbing his stained clothes.

She was afraid, if she didn't succeed, what would happen then?

"Stop trying so hard." She said, shutting the door behind her, and locking it. Lucas flinched at the voice, stopping what he was doing, only to freeze in his spot.

"Claire?" His jaw fell slightly. "This is a men's washroom."

Okay so out of all the things Lucas would have said or asked, like why did she lock the door or why was she here at the party, or perhaps why the heck was she dressed like a clown, he decided to tell her that.

"I have eyes." She retorted, already done being here.

Lucas looked a little confused for a moment, before realising that they were in the men's washroom and Claire was the only lady here.

"Oh my god, you're here to check out men?"

"What-??" Claire scowled. "What the fuck?"

"Oh." Lucas gulped. "Why are you here?"

She sighed. "Finally. About time you asked me."

"Do you have something to talk about?" Lucas' blazer (?) Or whatever suit that was was lying on the floor now. Just rich people's normal day, really. He was wearing a white button up shirt that was on the first three.

"I have a lot to talk about." She shrugged. "If you cooperate."

"Right now? I can't do that." He shook his head looking helpless. "I have to be back there. I'd be glad to help if it's important."

"You'd be more than glad, I'll tell you."


Man I don't wanna post anymore because the end is so near :( I'll miss you guys a lot :(

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