Chapter 1 Part 2: Academy Bound

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Hogwarts! Hogwarts! Hogwarts! 

I was chanting in my head over and over. 

"We're almost there, miss," Lindsay informs me. I'm practically ready to run the rest of the way there. I can't wait! 

The carriage slows down and stops long enough for the driver to give our credentials. We pass through a set of ornate iron gates. I can't see much from my window. Apparently, nobles don't need to see outside as they travel, the window has been buttoned up tightly with curtains. I can only pull away a couple of inches to smash my nose into. 

I can see a bit of the grounds. Boring. It's just bushes and grass. I'm sure it's pretty don't get me wrong. But with my limited view, it's not very interesting. I want to see a castle. Or a palace! Or a creepy tower! 

The carriage stops. "Miss, you'll be getting off here. I will be taking the rest of your luggage to your room. There should be a Lady Averest waiting to help first years." Lady Averest isn't a person, it's a title. From what I understood, the school selects a Lord and Lady Averest from the 2nd years upon completion of their 1st year. It's a fierce competition. The candidate must have top grades and win a popular vote among the students. In the game, the position of Lady Averest can either be the heroine or the villainess depending on how you played the first year of the game. Since I am neither, there is no reason to stress out about trying to get that position. Regardless of your progression, the Prince always becomes Lord Averest in the 2nd year. Winning the Lady Averest title is part of the requirements to be on the Prince's route since you need to trigger his events while you are performing duties together. 

I step out of the carriage into a courtyard and I am.....


What the hell?! 

Why does this school look like a Japanese high school?! 

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You bastard game designers! I forgot this game is a Japanese game. So they always have a little Japanese culture sprinkled in. I want a castle! This is a boring rectangle brick building. I turn around to look at the road the carriage took to come in. Well, the front grounds are pretty basic and much larger than what you would see at a Japanese high school. But still! I feel cheated. 

Fine. Hogwarts is just a boring high school. But that will make it easy right? Oh and the classes are what's important. Bring it on Dumbledore! 

I head into the inner courtyard where all the activity is centered. HATS! Heh. Heh. I forgot my hat. And Lindsay did too? Wait. Did she? 

"Oh, Lady Eldergast!" I turn as I hear someone call my name. Who is this again? I think I met her a couple of weeks ago at a tea party. 

Tea parties are the worst. I'm going to avoid them with every fiber of my being. 

The unidentified lady glides over to me. I mentally roll my eyes. Gliding isn't a good sign. That usually means villainess. 

"Oh my!" she over-reacts. "You've lost your hat!" She is really pumping up the drama here. If this was a cheesy day time soap opera, you would have seen her throw her hand up to her forehead. 

"Ahhh," I stammer. "Yes, I sadly left it in the carriage. I was so....." I look around trying to find elegant lady words, "enthralled.... by the grand entrance that I truly lost my wits." Buy it. Buy it. Buy it. 

"I see," she deadpans. "I believe Lady Mortia was in a similar stupor. You ought to seak her out!" The other ladies in the entourage start snickering. I was right. Villainess. 

Black hair. Green eyes. OH! I remember! This is the villainess. Lady Angelica Baberry. 

Abort mission! 

"Thank you for your advice, Lady Angelica," I curtsy slightly. Duke Baberry is higher in status than my father Earl Eldergast. So, therefore, Angelica is higher in status than I am. As much as I would like to give this bitch the middle finger and piss off, I can't. As long as I keep my best friend station within the game, and don't stand out too much, I only get sideline bullied. Which compared to what the heroine goes through, isn't bad at all. Keep the peace for now. As long as the heroine doesn't get a bad ending, you'll be long banished and life will be peaceful. 

"Well, it IS a shame," she said with an air. "I invited the hatter from.....

And so we start our hat conversation. 

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