Doki Doki Magic Love Academy: The Wizard

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Lord Simon Clark

Appearance: long midnight blue hair, usually in a loose side braid. dark green eyes. 

Age: 18

Blood Type: B

"Practical and relaxed" 

I'm glad you knew I was going to ask. 


Magical Affinity: dual water and fire spell caster 

That sounds pretty powerful. 

"He is. Actually Lord Simon can wield all the disciplines fairly well, but the affinities are where he is the strongest. While dual affinity isn't super rare, the two elements being opposite of each other is." 

How so?

"I didn't really understand in the game. I guess maybe now we are in school we will find out why." 


Back story: Lord Simon starts the game already in his 2nd year. 

The game takes place over 2 years. How does he end up hanging out for the entirety of next year? 

"There are some milestones you have to achieve. I guess I'll tell you that before the back story." 

In order to get Lord Simon to stay when you enter your 2nd year, you have to have a high enough romance level with him and trigger his career flag. 

Career flag? 

"Yeah. Currently, he easily masters all the magic he learns so he doesn't have any goals or plans for the rest of his life. If you don't trigger an event that helps him decide on a career, he won't stay." 

I see. But how does picking a career make him stay? 

"He decides he needs to learn more and signs on to take private tutoring for an additional year. It's strongly implied this is also to stay close to the heroine." 

Which is you. 

"Yes. To stay close to me. Anyways..."

Back story continued: Marquess David Clark is Simon's father. Simon is the eldest son and is expected to inherit after his father. You find out in his route his mother is already dead. Marquess Clark has been pressuring Simon to marry early since he doesn't have any siblings and he is worried about succession should something happen. 

It's common for nobility to need back up heirs, I suppose. 

"Even with healing magic taking care of most minor injuries and illnesses, there still is war and general violence." 

In addition to gaining a high enough romance level and triggering the career flag, I will need to specialize in any affinity spellcasting, except for light magic. 

Why not light magic? 

"There's another character that completely dominates your time if you end up as a light caster. So there isn't any room for Lord Simon to make a move." 

Oh god. It isn't a yandere?

"No, nothing like that. I'll get to him next." 

To get Simon's good ending, I will have to help him with his magical research which involves collecting a lot of random items. Some of these items are a once time catch, so if you miss the chance to acquire it you will not make it to the good ending. He will also propose at the end of year ball. 

That sounds hard. 

"He has a pretty difficult route. The romance level in the first year is hard enough. Then the item collection has to start before you even know about the quest." 

So in his case, it's easier to get a bad ending. 

"Yep. Although his bad ending isn't as bad as some of the others." 

Simon's bad ending will trigger if you fail to collect all of the required items. His magical experiment will fail and he will return home. Since he feels the additional year of study didn't achieve anything, he will enter a marriage proposal with Lady Angelica to appease his father. 

Awww. I wouldn't wish anyone a life with her. Wait... does she even show up in his route? 

"Actually no. She is never interested in him. I guess his route is hard enough so they decided not to have her make it harder." 

A small blessing. But that means they both end up marrying someone they don't have any interest in. 

"Seems like it." 

That does sound like a bad ending. 

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