Chapter 6 Part 3: A Lady's War

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"Yo! Alan!" 

I hear someone call out for the professor. Looking to the side I see a man gracefully striding over to us. He defiantly has an air of confidence you can see right away. His blond hair is braided intricately and tied up in the back with adornments of various colors of glass beads. He was also sporting a well-groomed five o'clock shadow. 

"Your highness," Professor McGreggor stands and bows slightly. Your highness? Who is he? Not wishing to offend whoever this is, I stand and mirror the professor's bow. 

"Oh ho, what's this? Why you sly dog, I didn't know you had any game with the ladies, let alone attractive ones." The unidentified royal grabs my hand to place a light kiss on the top. Gross. I still don't like men randomly leaving their saliva all over my hands. I was unconsciously wiping the top of my hand on my dress, which he noticed before I knew what I was doing. Whoops!

"She is a student, Claude." 

Is Professor Pedophile actually making that distinction? 

"Still a lovely flower either way. And may I inquire on the lady's name? Or do students not have names?" he says with a playful tone. 

Clearing my throat I introduce myself. "I am Lady Christine Eldergast, your highness." 

"Eldergast? Hmmmm....." he thinks for a moment. "Ah! Any relation to Earl Eldergast?" 

"Yes, he is my father." 

"Smashing!" he says with a wide smile and a twinkle in his blue eyes. Is he wearing eyeliner? It sure looks like he is. "So what are you doing hanging out with this old man instead of entertaining much more interesting company?" 

"I needed a respite from the chaos of the handkerchief selection and the professor happened upon me and provided a much-needed healing spell." 

"You healed her?" he said with mocking sarcasm. 

"Relax, it was a very minor spell," Professor McGreggor informed him. 

"Oh!" the still-unnamed man exclaims as he notices the handkerchief in my hand. "You got Ellis!" 


"Can you do me a favor?" 

"Well, it depends if it's something within my ability." 

"Can you embroider a giant penis on his handkerchief?" 

"CLAUDE!!" Professor McGreggor shouts. 

"Seriously! The biggest, erect penis you can."

"Claude, this is NOT appropriate!" 

"And may I ask why I should risk offending the duke with a giant, erect penis?" I ask him with humor in my voice. 

"So that he knows how big of a DICK he is!"  

"CLAUDE, enough." The professor's warnings are obviously falling on deaf ears. "Besides, the young lady is not likely knowledgable to... such things." Oh, really? What are you implying? While I'm sure the original owner of this body wouldn't have, I am not so innocent. This - Claude - seems to have a sense of humor, so I decided to push it a bit. 

"Well if anyone wants to volunteer as a model for reference, I can make arrangements." My comment makes the professor groan while Claude's eyes light up it merriment. 

"Absolutely! I would be happy to show you now if you'd like." 

"Forgive me, I left my magnifying glass at home." 

Claude erupts in contagious laughter. My joke was pretty lame - the kind of insult you would hear 13-year-old boys making. But he was laughing so heartily I couldn't help but join in. Meanwhile, the professor is holding his head in shame. 

"I like you!" Claude says giving me a slight slap on the shoulder. 

"I implore you, please steer this conversation back to something more appropriate," Professor McGreggor pleas while looking directly at me. Fine fine. I guess he did compliment my maturity a bit ago and here I am completely destroying it. 

"I will take your - request - into consideration. But if I do make such a risk, who may I tell the duke is responsible so I can direct his wrath elsewhere." 

"Ah, I am happy to take full responsibility. I am Prince Claude Theodis Sunspire, eldest born to King Alfonse Rubia Sunspire and Queen Elina Sunspire," he says with a sweeping bow. "And don't worry. Ellis and I are close friends. He will let me off easily." 

Professor McGreggor snorts. "Sure. He will easily toss you through a window." 

"Oh come now, Alan. He's quite the gentle giant," Prince Claude says to me with a wink. I catch Professor McGreggor rolling his eyes. 


Prince Claude looks past me. "YO! Little bro!" he calls out waving his arm. I turn to see Prince Levi and Sir Grey approaching. 

"Greetings to -" Claude pushes past me interrupting my greetings and grabs Levi in a bear hug. Right siblings. It seems as though Claude has forgotten any commitment to his prior conversation and starts pulling Levi away by the shoulders while Levi struggles to separate himself. 

"Lady Christine, please forgive the first prince's rudeness," Sir Grey says to me. 

"It's ok. I conversed with him enough to gather he isn't one to stand on protocol." 

"Pssh. An understatement," Professor McGreggor chimes in. 

"I'm glad to see that they have a warm relationship," I comment. This is a good opportunity to see if there is any bad blood about Claude being skipped for the crown. 

"There is no loss of affection," Sir Grey replies tactfully. Fine. Don't give me any juicy gossip. "Oh, my lady, I saw Lady Maria not long ago. She was looking for you. You may want to seek her out, she seemed a bit distraught." 

"Oh, thank you, Sir Grey. I best be off. Professor," I turn to address the man. "Thank you for your company."

"Of course, anytime." 

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