Chapter 3 Part 2: Of Magic and Men

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I had gotten so distracted by the entrance ceremony and tripping over capture targets I had almost forgotten that I am here LEARNING MAGIC! The first class of the day was essentially general studies where they had crammed math, literature, and socio-politics all together. Maria and I had that class together so it was nice to start the day with her. The general studies class was fairly easy but interesting nonetheless. While the mathematic part was barely algebra, the literature and socio-political portions really interested me. This was an entirely foreign society to me. So it was fun to listen about what written works were considered required reading and how the political climate of the kingdom was currently. The professor, whose name I didn't catch, didn't dive into details today, but I'm interested to learn how a game world develops with non-game elements. 

After general studies, Maria and I had to go our separate ways. While our classes are nearly identical, the academy operated more like a college and split the students up to take the same class at different times. Maria was pretty confused about the concept. She had only experienced a Japanese secondary school, so the class would stay the same and the teachers would rotate in. Having to walk to different classrooms to meet the teachers was strange to her. 

The class I was heading to now was something called Magical Theory. If I had to guess, I doubt there is any spell casting in this class. Something with the name theory implies textbook learning. 

I found the classroom easy enough. Maria had pointed out that I did in fact have a campus map, which I'm embarrassed to have forgotten about. Once I had the map in hand, I was able to navigate the campus with little problems. 

The classroom had double-wide desks that sat two students per desk. I guess I am going to have a desk mate. Hopefully, it's someone I will be able to get along with. The room was almost full by the time I entered and I didn't want to disturb the friend groups that had already formed. I slide into a seat near the back of the classroom near the window. I always prefered window seats. If the lecture became boring, I would be able to look outside and hopefully entertain myself with some real or imaginary drama. 

I found myself staring out the window while the class bell was ringing. I felt the presence of someone sit down next to me. 

"Hello, my chickadee! We meet again," a familiar voice cooed into my ear. 

Turning to the vocal offender, I don't bother to masked the disgusted look on my face. Duke Playboy was grinning his annoying shit-eating grin while his red hair flopped around in his face. Why can't I get away from these capture targets?  

It takes all my effort to stay civil. This is for Maria. I only have to tolerate this until I know what route she will be taking. "Greetings, your grace," I once again emphasis his title hoping he gets the hint I want to keep a clear line between us. 

"I'm very pleased to be able to enjoy this class with such fine scenery." Gross. I really can't stand this flirtatious borderline sexual harassment way of speaking he has. 

"And I am looking forward to a peaceful class," I say extra nicely. But somehow I doubt the class with be anything peaceful. 

"Duke Victor!" a girl calls out. "You should come sit next to me! I can share my macaroons with you." Yes please. Go share macaroons with that girl. 

"Aw, my nightingale, if there were but enough of me to go around. But I have an unfulfilled date I'm quite impatient to schedule." 

Suddenly I am the object of several death glares in the room. Are you kidding me? Dear Maria, this playboy jerk is making it hard for me not to commit murder. Would you be upset if we reduce your capture targets by one? But I am better than this jerk. I can outmanoeuvre him. 

"Oh, my lady," I saw with my attention on the girl who had spoken. "Please don't let me get in the way of your macaroons. Feel free to trade seats with me!" I say as I'm quickly grabbing my things to move. 

Luckily this girl was just as quick to jump to my offer so we swapped before Duke Playboy was able to react to what happened. While I was upset that I lost my precious window seat, it was well worth the trade. Now seated in the center of the classroom I can only sense him drilling holes into my head. 

I hear the professor clear his throat to get the room's attention. He's a handsome sort of man with sandy brown hair pulled into a low side ponytail. He's wearing a pair of rimless glasses and a tasteful tweed jacket. He has that sort of hot nerd vibe to him. 

"Welcome to your first day of Magical Theory. While I can't promise the subject isn't dry and boring, I will do my best to keep you all from falling asleep." There are a few laughs around the classroom at his speech. I had a feeling this wasn't going to be the most action-packed class. But I am still looking forward to it. "In addition to teaching the first years like you Magical Theory, I also instruct the 2nd year light magic students. I'm sure there are a few of you I'll have the pleasure of teaching again next year." 

Wait. Light magic....

"My name is Professor Alan McGreggor," he finishes. 

I let out a quiet noise of disgust. I take back all my thoughts about this guy being good looking. 

And somewhere two desks behind me, someone notices my attitude shift. 

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