Chapter 4 Part 1: Grinding Stats

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I ache. 

Combat basics is kicking my ass. Sir Sizemore did not hold back. The whole class spends one week on each weapon type to determine what each of us should specialize in. We were randomly assigned weapons. I had the worst sort of luck starting with a greatsword my first week then a mace in my second. I envy the students with daggers. Light. Fast. Did I mention light? The first two weeks flew by without incident. Maria and I had settled into a rhythm. We both joked it was monotonous because it's a game world. If this was the game, I would be working on grinding stats. But since this is real life - well weird real life - I haven't had the inclination to grind any stats, especially when I know I'm not the heroine. Classes are starting to get interesting even if we haven't actually used any magic yet. Maria has though. Since she was identified as a water user so early on, she was able to start her affinity tutoring right away and, get this, Lord Simon is her mentor! He still joins us for lunch and says very little, but Maria told me when he gets excited about magic he talks a lot. I'm sad I haven't been able to see it. I've tried a couple of times at lunch asking him magic-related questions to get him to talk, but I never have any success. 

"Want to go to town?!" Maria suddenly asks. 

I look up from my studies to see her peering at me from her bed. Last weekend we didn't go anywhere. We were both so overwhelmed from starting the academy we had just explored the school grounds instead. It was good for us. Since it was the first weekend, almost all the students had flocked to the nearby town and left the campus fairly empty. 

"I guess," I say indifferently. "Was there somewhere, in particular, you wanted to go?"

"Well," she says as she sits up from her lounging position, "do you remember the shops from the game?"

"Kinda.....There was the place that sold the gifts.....?"

"Yep! Frederick's. That's where you could purchase gifts for the capture targets."

I nod along. "And a dress shop......"

"There were two. Rose Boutique for casual wear that was cheaper and The Silver Nightengale for the really fancy dresses like ballgown." 


"I really want to see the shops in person!" Maria was starting to get excited. It happened easily when she starts talking about game details. 

"Well then, we should call the maids to help us get ready." 

"Yay!" Maria squeals. She jumps from her bed to ring the bell to summon Lindsay and Julie. Responding quickly, they help us change into more appropriate clothes to wear around town. Having worn the simple and very practical school uniform for two weeks, I wasn't thrilled about stuffing myself into a fluffy princess dress again. I chose my most simple dress, a warm yellow that complimented my violet eyes. It still wasn't my true taste, but it had the least amount of ribbons and bows decorating it. To be honest, I wish I could rip all the extra decorations off. I am jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. I look at Maria who chose a pale blue dress that had significantly more bows than mine. I wonder if I can get away with wearing pants. I know Maria wouldn't think twice about it, but how much of an uproar would it cause here in gameland? 

"We can use the teleportation circle to get to town!" Maria says slightly hopping from excitement. Ok. That does sound exciting. I've never teleported anywhere. 

"Did you learn how to use teleportation magic already?" I ask her as we make our way out of the dorm. 

"Oh no! We probably won't learn that until much later this year. Lord Simon gave me teleportation scrolls!" She thrusts a piece of paper into my hand. It's rectangular in shape and has red writing in strange symbols on it.

"Maria....these seem.... familiar?" I ask hesitantly. 

"Oh yeah! They look exactly like bujeok!"


"Ah, how do I explain....." she ponders for a moment. "In Korea they have shamans. And they make talismans you can buy. Those are bujeok."

"Oh right! I never knew their name. I would see them in the Korean dramas! Usually, the mom or someone would buy them for their daughter having bad luck or something." 

"Right," Maria says with a giggle. "Or to protect from ghosts! One of my favorite dramas was about a ghost who was trying to find a man to seduce." 

"Oh, I saw that one! And she ends up possessing the girl who was in love with her boss!"

We reminisce about the drama while we walk to the teleportation circle. It is located in the inner courtyard of the spell caster building.

"Ah, Lady Maria, Lady Christine good to see you two out and about." We turn to see who addressed us. 

"Hello Professor McGreggor," Maria says. I inhale sharply instead. It doesn't escape Maria's notice and she squeezes my arm. Fine. I'll be nice. 

"Greetings to you, Professor," turning my customer service mode on. "Forgive our rudeness, we were hoping to use the teleportation circle to head into town." 

"Yes, yes, of course. I didn't mean to intrude. Are use the teleportation circle?" he asked while eyeing Maria. Tsk, this creep. 

"We have scrolls!" I say waving mine around to grab his attention. 

"Ah, how resourceful. Please don't let me keep you then." 

"Thank you, Professor," Maria says. "Would you --" I grab her hand and yank her. 

"Peaceful greetings to you Professor!" I call out as I pull Maria away. 

"Christine....." she says quietly with a tone I know to be disapproving. 

"Don't talk to him." 

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