Chapter 4 Part 3: Grinding Stats

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Today's excursion was so far the most miserable thing I've done since my reincarnation. Aside from the horrid experience of teleportation, I am now stuck in a tea cafe - boring - with Duke Playboy - whose name is Duke Victor Mossgrave as Maria slyly reminded me - and I am forced to listen to his obnoxious flirting. He really was indiscriminate with the flirting. He flirted with the waitress. He flirted with every lady who walked by or glanced his way with his stupid grin and leering gaze. If Maria hadn't told me about his backstory and ultimate story arch and the fact that apparently, he will settle down if he falls in love with her, I would have just bought another one of those nasty potions and risked a return teleport back to the academy.

As I was staring at my cup ginger tea, which helped calm my stomach but did nothing reduce the after taste of the potion I drank, I felt someone kicking me under the table. I looked up at Maria who was looking at me with bug eyes. I scowled at Duke Victor. Did he do or say something that crossed the line? Instead, he irritatingly smiled at me. Maria cleared her throat.

"Christine," she said quietly. "CG event."


"CG event," she said through gritted teeth while nodding towards Duke Victor.

"Now?!" I finally caught on. Apparently this moment was supposed to be significant. She beckoned me to lean closer to whisper in my ear.

"Yes, but you're not supposed to be here. I saw Lady Angelica enter downstairs. She's going to come up here and see me with the Duke and he's going to save me from her bullying."

"Oh. So I need to bugger off?" I whispered back.

"Now ladies, I am quite jealous I don't get to hear the tantalizing gossip that must be forming right now," Duke Victor cooed at us. He's so annoying! I have to think of a way to excuse myself and fast.

"Forgive me, your grace," I said trying to remind him to act appropriately. "I have little stomach for desserts right now. I'm going to catch a carriage back to the academy." I stood and curtsied a bit to take my leave.

"I'd be happy to accompany you. I couldn't possibly have you fall prey to illness again!" he said with a hint of mockery in his tone.

"No!" I cringed as I realized I said that a little too strongly. "No, please stay with Maria and keep her company. We had been cooped up all week and I feel guilty if I had to drag her back with me." I heard laughter coming up the stairs. A very peculiar type of laughter. A villainesses laughter. Shit! Time to get a move on. "Thank you for your hospitality! Goodbye!" And I bolted out of there. Since there was only one staircase leading to the upstairs, I circled around the room the long way allowing Lady Angelica to get to the top and head toward the direction of Maria. I waited as her entourage of ladies appeared and I snuck onto the staircase behind them.

"Oh! Duke Mossgrave! I didn't know you were here! How fortuitous!" I heard her trill. I spared once parting glance at Maria and silently wished her luck before descending the stairs quickly. I exited the cafe as quickly as I could. When I got to the busy street, I realized that I had no idea where I was. I was so ill when I was brought here I barely paid attention to where we went. But as I saw the cobblestone street and the variety of shops I only felt excitement. Well, I might as well go shipping! I did bring money to spend and I might as well reward myself for the miserable day thus far.

Picking no particular direction I started walking. Little did I know, but a certain redhead had noticed I was not walking in the direction towards the public carriages.

As I walked the street I admired the window displays. Back home, malls and storefronts would have window displays, but I never paid much attention to them. Lifeless mannequins with whatever trend clothing were always on display with some lame company slogan to go with the season. Christmas time was always the worst. They had to incorporate some stupid non-denomination holiday pun. "Jingle your bells this Holiday Season." Or something equally stupid. But these window displays were amazing! This was loosely a version of Victorian England. There wasn't TV commercials or billboards advertising your store. The only way to gain customers was word of mouth and with the flashy storefront to get them inside!

The storefronts spared no expense! Beautifully decorated signs denoted the name of the store, while the windows were elegantly arranged to feature whatever flashy product they could sell to gain attention. The hattery, which I definitely won't step foot in, had the biggest, grandest, ugliest hats on display with all sorts of accessories hanging mercilessly from them. Of course, it was one of the larger stores and had a stream of women going in and out creating no rest for the doorbell.

Moving further down the street I heard a small boy call out. "Combat Wizards Tourny! Prizes for the winners! Combat Wizards Tourny!" I walked quickly up to the boy.

"Can anyone enter?" I asked. Generally speaking, the game was more popular among boys.

"Yes, my lady! Only 10 silver to enter! It's about to start soon too!"

"Great! Where do I sign up?"

"Over there," he pointed at the entrance of a small garden. "The sign-up booth is in the middle of Parnas Park."

"Thank you!" I said gleefully as I made my way to the park. 

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