Chapter 4 Part 2: Grinding Stats

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The world swirled around me in bright blue. Am I screaming? I think I'm screaming.

"Christine?" Maria tugs on me and I barely hear her. What. Dafaq. Was. That?!

We are standing in the town center on the teleporter platform. In every movie, book, manga, comic, anime, game...... you name it.... teleporting was no big deal. You have some amazing visual, sprinkle in some magic or technobabble, and viola, you are whisked away to somewhere quickly and easily. But no. NO! It was horrible! It was the first drop of a rollercoaster, the moments before realizing you're going to hit the car in front of you, watching a glass cup fall, holding your breath too long, and the tingle of your leg falling asleep all crammed into one sensation.

"Christine," I hear Maria this time as I stare at her wide-eyed. She gently pulls me off the platform. I wobble violently as I'm being ushered along.

"Here, I'll take her," I hear a man's voice say.

"Oh, thank you," Maria responds to his help.

I feel a strong arm wrap around my waist as my weight is being lifted slightly to allow me to stumble to a nearby bench. As I fall into the seat, I collapse my head into my hands. The world is spinning.

"Does she suffer from telesickness?" I hear the man ask.

"I don't know," Maria says with a shake in her voice. "It's the first time we have teleported."

"Was this her first time ever teleporting?" I hear he emphasizes the word ever indicating he sounds shocked I would have never teleported before.

"Uh......." Maria hesitates. "Maybe?"

"Tsk," I hear him click his tongue. "I guess so. I doubt she would have stepped foot in the teleporter had she known. Wait here. I'll grab a sickness potion from the apothecary."

"Thank you," I hear the footsteps walk away. "Christine...." Maria coos like she is comforting a child. I feel her rub my back. "Hang tight. The medicine will be here soon."

"Uh hmm," I groan out an answer without looking up. My head is still spinning and I feel a pit at the bottom of my stomach that I am barely keeping control of. I focus on the sounds of the town in an attempt to stabilize myself.

I barely noticed my surroundings when we arrived, but I know we are in an outdoor plaza, and from the sounds of things, it's pretty lively. I can hear the chatter of the crowd, close enough to be loud, but far enough away to be indistinct. I also hear the racket of carriages and horses moving up and down what I assume to be a road close by. That makes sense considering this would be this world's version of a mass transit hub, like an airport or subway depot.

After what feels like an eternity, I hear footsteps approach.

"I have the sickness potion. Lady Christine, can you sit up? You will feel much better if you can drink this," the man says.

I groan and force myself upright. I reach blindly and I feel the vial put into my hands. Without thought, I quickly drink the contents. Yuck. It tastes like someone liquified Vicks and mixed it with lavender dish soap to create this unholy concoction. But despite the horrid taste, both my vertigo and stomach start to settle. Not wishing to rush things, I drop my head back into my hands waiting for full relief.

"Thank you so much, your grace," Maria says. "How much was the potion?"

"Not worth mentioning," he says politely.

"But I wish to repay your kindness." Despite reading my fair share of romance stories in every media available, hearing this type of conversation in real life gives me a different type of nausea. Huh? I guess despite wishing for romance it turns out I actually can't stand cliche romance. Seriously. If a man appeared in front of me with a Big Mac and a Coke, I would marry him on the spot.

"If you want to repay me, all I request is for your lovely company. Pending, of course, your friend's health."

Does this guy think he's being slick? I better brave sitting up. I have to beat this guy back before Maria agrees to something random. She already has five capture targets to juggle.

"That's not something we can accommodate sadly," I say weakly as I look up. The potion had helped considerably. I blink a few times to get my surroundings into focus and look at the gentleman kneeling in front of me. His red hair was blowing gently in the wind as he gave me a wide smile.

"Glad to see you back to your senses, my chickadee."

"Ugh, great. Saved by Duke Playboy."

"Christine!" Maria says shocked and I look at her as she is staring at me in horror. Oh shit. I said that out loud didn't I? I turn my attention back to Duke.... what is his name?

He laughs. "Duke Playboy?" he says during his laughing fit.

I roll my eyes. Well, at least I don't have to worry about him being offended. What a flippant man.

"I'm so sorry! Please forgive my friend! She must be shocked and, uh, isn't feeling well right now," Maria is stammering trying to cover my blunder.

"Oh, no no, it's quite alright!" he says still laughing. "But, you most certainly owe me now!" He says looking directly at me. Can I kick him?

"I will be certain to pay you back for the cost of the potion," I say as politely as I can.

"Oh no, that won't do at all! You also owe for services rendered! I ran with such urgency that the King himself would have praised my speed," he says with an air of arrogance.

"Right," I deadpan. "I'll add an appropriate delivery fee."

"Excellent!" he says grabbing my arm and dragging me to my feet. "There's a wonderful cafe nearby. I'm sure you wanting to wash away the lingering taste of that dreadful potion."

How annoying. Yes.

"It is dreadful, but I can manage."

"This way!" he ignores my attempt to deny the gathering.

Duke Formally Known as Playboy, grabs my hand and offers his left arm to Maria to escort. Before I can protest, Maria takes his arm and he pulls me forward.

I officially hate teleporting. 

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