Chapter 3 Part 4: Of Magic and Men

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Maria and I got to the classroom well before anyone else so it gave us the privacy to truly catch up. Laying claim to my window seat, Maria sits next to me. This classroom has long tables set with groups of three. So the seat beside Maria remains free.

"So," I begin. "Combat Basics with Prince Levi AND Sir Grey?" I wiggle my eyebrows to entice her to share some juicy gossip.

"Nothing happened! Prince Levi IS in my class. But the girls and boys are separated, so we didn't really interact that much."

"For now. I played both of their routes and I very much remember a couple of events happening during that class. Though, I'm a little hazy on the details." I remember it had something to do with Lady Angelica both times though.

"It's fairly minor since the major flag events don't happen until the 2nd year. But with Sir Grey, there's an event where Angelica bullies the heroine during training. She ends up pushing her into a weapon's rack which starts to fall. Sir Grey reacts quickly and shields the heroine from getting hurt by the falling weapons."

"Right! There's a CG of him holding the heroine tightly!"

"It's a shame you aren't in the same class as me," Maria says giggling slightly. I just give her the stink eye. I have a feeling I will never escape the teasing about Sir Grey.

"What about Prince Levi?"

"It's when we are taught to channel our magic into the weapons. Since the heroine has water magic pretty early on, they partner them together assuming there would be less of a chance either of them hurting each other due to the magical affinities."

I nod along as Maria explains. The CG for that scene didn't include any sudden unintentional hugging but was of the Prince looking very handsome while wielding a fire sword.

"Hmmmmm. Sadly, this doesn't give us any idea of how long it will be before either of those events happen. But," I say with a slight pause, "it seems like the Prince's event could be missed if it doesn't trigger on the day you are told to channel your magic.....right?"

Maria stares in thought. "Maybe..... There are stat requirements to trigger the event. But this is real life. The professor is going to teach it to us no matter what and, likely, with a plan already set in the teaching curriculum."

"So we have to figure out how to get Prince Levi's event --" I cut myself off as I see a couple of students enter the classroom. The rest of this conversation will have to wait. We switch to talking about the school in general and the insignificant details of the class we shared apart. As the room starts to fill up, it becomes harder to talk without yelling at each other. I forgot what it was like in high school. I keep thinking of this school as a college, but in fact the students are still highschool aged. And when are high school students the loudest and most rowdy? After lunch. Everyone feels charged from eating and high on socializing with friends.

Just when I thought the room couldn't get louder, the female students start screaming. Not fear screaming, but fangirl screaming. Which Jonas brother has just walked in? I turn to look at the door. Obviously not a Jonas brother, but instead the Prince. Figures. I rub my temples.

"I SINCERELY HOPE WE DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO THIS EVERY FUCKING TIME WE COME TO THIS CLASS," I say yelling at Maria as a necessity. Maria shrugs at me. She seems unfazed by the fangirl screams.

Prince Levi walks towards our table and bows slightly. "Is this seat taken, ladies?" he asks with his perfect manners.

"N-no," Maria stammers. I simply affirm with nodding. Prince Levi sits down next to Maria and for the 2nd time today, I am assaulted by death stares. The room starts to quiet down as the bell for class starts sounding.

"And don't worry," he says smiling gently at both of us. "Eventually their voices will run dry, so you'll only have to endure it for a week or so." I laugh back with one of those scared embarrassed laughs.

I shrink in my chair. He fucking heard me.  

The professor starts class and I only half pay attention to what she is saying. I keep side eyeing Maria and the Prince to gauge their relationship. Maria is completely focused on the class, so she's not giving me any hints. I dare not try to look too much at Prince Levi, because no matter how I spin it, it will only seem like I am another love struck dumb girl. 

After the class ends, Prince Levi starts making small talk with Maria. Yes, yes very good. As much as I want to eavesdrop, I decide my departure would best suit the mood. 

"I'll catch up with you later," I whisper to Maria as I quickly excuse myself. I don't bother to greet the Prince as I leave. It's best not to draw any more attention to myself. 

I only have one class left for the day and I'm slightly worried that it might be this world's version of PE. 

I walk briskly to the combat side of the academy. As I pass the groups of students that are loitering outside, I wonder how it is that even though I am a side character, I seem to be constantly bumping into the capture targets. Literally everywhere I go, I have run into one of them. Is this something that happened to the original Christine Eldergast? There's no way to know. Her time spent away from Maria was never discussed. Now I'm wishing that the game had one throw away line where she said, "Why do I keep bumping into these guys?" so I can relax knowing our meetings are by design. I need mob character friends. That's what I need to focus on tomorrow. I need to find friends to help me blend into the background. 

When I get to the combat building, I see a grizzled looking man standing by the main entrance. I think I know him. He's the combat instructor. A former solider of the kingdom.......I can't remember much else. I walk tentatively towards him. 

"You!" he shouts at me. "First year!" 

"Yes?!" I screech. 

"You here for combat basics?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Good. Inside turn to the right at the hall. That's the women's changing salon. Don't go left. I don't feel like hearing your screaming," he says with authority. 

"Yes, sir. Of course, sir," I say as I scurry in. Why am I answering him like a fresh recruit? Maybe it can't be helped when in the presence of someone you know  killed some guys. 

Go right. Go right. Go right. I chant to myself. 

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