Chapter 6 Part 2: A Lady's War

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I didn't move. I didn't want to. I don't even know how much time had passed. I stopped staring at the sky once the sounds had died to almost nothing. I couldn't see the hall from where I was and eventually all I could hear were the birds chirping in the nearby tree. All my energy was gone. Physically I felt like I had been beaten up, I ached and there were a few spots I could feel the bruises already forming. My arms had welts from what I can only assume was nail scratches. Mentally, I was defeated. I couldn't handle the chaos inside the building but then I find I had picked the one handkerchief everyone told me to avoid. 

I heard footsteps approaching from behind me, but I was so disassociated from my surrounding it barely registered. 



"Lady Christine? Are you alright?" someone asked while taking a seat next to me. 

" Eh, sorta." I feel a warm magic spread over me and I close my eyes. Ahhhh, this feels good. The soreness and stinging vanishes. The relief washes over me and I feel the haze in my mind start to clear up. Healing magic. I haven't really experienced it yet. "Thank you." I turn to address my hero.

"I am always happy to help a student. Although, I am surprised how easily you absorbed my magic. I could have downranked the spell far lower still." 

I blink at him a few times while staring at his messy brown hair. "Oh, Professor! I didn't realize it was you." I'm too tired (and grateful) to mind his presence right now. 

Chuckling slightly he says, "No I did not think you did. I've seen that look before...." he trails off. 

"What kind of look?" I'm suddenly self-conscious of how I might appear. I touch my hair, I'm sure it's a disaster. 

"It's the look many soldiers have after a battle," he says with no humor in his voice. "When your senses have failed and the only thing left is your mind - but just barely so." 

I say nothing. What could I say? It's not like I've seen war or real bloodshed. I remember Maria mentioning something about him being in a war.  A long silent moment falls between us and I find I have no desire to fill it. 

I wonder how Maria did. I've always envisioned her as more delicate than I am. Would the heroine plot armor keep her safe? 

"Anything you design will be grand in the Duke's eyes," Professor McGreggor says breaking the silence. I look down at the handkerchief in my hand. It's supposed to be anonymous, and instead, I'm entirely aware of who my partner is. 

"Do you know him, Professor?"

"Yes. Ellis and I go back a while.

"What's he like?" 

"You mean to know if he is as ruthless as the rumors," he says coldly. 

"No. That's not it. It's just -" I sigh. "It's just - I realize that rumors can create prejudice. I admit that I am not so unaffected by them. But of all the people I have heard talk about him, none of them have said they know him. So I suppose, as someone who actually knows what kind of man he is, what advice can you give me? Is he quick to offend? Are there things I should be cautious about? That sort of thing, if that makes sense."

"You're quite mature for your age," he comments. Obviously. "There are few who would even attempt to learn beyond what they see. As for Ellis, it is a complicated question as he is a complicated man. The rumors are not all baseless, but they lack context. He is an extraordinary champion. When they call him a demon on the battlefield, there really isn't any other way to describe it. If you hear stories about his feats, even if exaggerated, it would still be within his ability. War is brutal and unforgiving. And in a way, so is Ellis." 

"But you say this without fear."

"Because I am fortunate to not be a target at the end of his blade. But, to answer your question, he is not all savage and war. He's a fair man and manages his estates and lands with a level hand. The people who live under him do not suffer needlessly. He cares a great deal about the common folk and makes decisions that benefit the majority, even at loss to himself. He's extremely loyal. If he considers you a friend, you will have his friendship to the hells and back. Of course," he laughs, "if you are an enemy he will drag you to the hells and back too!" 

I chuckle with him. 

"I applaud you for trying to keep an open mind and entice you to continue to do so until you can make your own judgments."  

"Thank you, I will try." I look at the black cloth again. "But why black? That certainly doesn't help his reputation." 

"I asked him that a long time ago, and you know what he said?"

I shake my head slightly. 

"Blood doesn't show on black." 

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