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John was silently taking in the regurgitated flow of facts that they've probably repeated quite a few times already.


It wasn't unheard of really, John faces Witches, Warlocks, Mages and Necromancers all the time!
But what threw him a curveball was the idea of so many in one place.

On the the usual, witches and such normally kept to theirselves or small groups-at least when no one was planning anything special.

Something that also made him step back a foot or three was the societal structure. A functioning ministry, housing-schooling.

Heh, that was another thing,
Magic Schools

Personally, John wanted to chuckle at that. If only it was ever that simple at home.
Ever since being exposed to the occult and the art of dark magic.....and Newcastle.......he only seemed to go down the hard road-whether he wanted to it not.

"-You will be attending this school as a first year-"
Fuck he zoned out
"-you will need to pick up your needed supplies. Any questions?" The McGonagall chick offered.

"Uhh....yeah um...where do I find everything? Last time I checked you can't get an item of magical value at Target."
Clearance section maybe...

"Hmm." She huffed shortly, "Well as you observed so intelligently-,"
Oh, she's fun
"-a teacher will be picking up and taking you to Diagon Alley themselves."

Diagon Alley?

"Now Mr. Constantine, as it appears that somehow you are not on any of our records, we will need an address of where you're currently staying."

John paused......he needed to make something up....he didn't know why he felt like he had to.....but whatever he came up with, the truthful answer of 'you're lookin at it', wasn't a good idea.

But maybe he could try this-
"Uh-just some motel(a lie), and well I can't probably to this Hogwarts place per say(a request). I move around a lot(not a lie) so I'll just have to hit up whatever they got there(lie)."

McGonagall raised an eyebrow, "Oh? Then why didn't you stop us Mr. Constantine?"

John shrugged, thankful that the sway of conversation was tilting his way, "s'not like had much choice, not with the fact that I didn't know crap about your community and I couldn't exactly leave with Professor Snake over there accessing me like a hawk."

McGonagall shook her head slightly, amused by Snape's 'tough love' approach to things, mostly his towards his students.

"Well!" John bounced, "It looks 'bout time I head back home! That's for the informing talk professors, headmaster."

John turned and tried to shuffle a great distance between him and the elder group members.

"Oh! Please, let us deliver you back home safety Mr. Constantine, it'd be terribly irresponsible for an adult, much less teachers who spend numerous hours for students, to let a child loose around a city such as London unchaperoned."

There was something some about the headmaster's eyes that was different, more.....sharp and calculated....did he...did he think that John was bluffing?

"We should probably have a talk to your parents. Were anything to happen, ones parent is entitled to information are they not?" The sharpness earning a gleam of delight.
Delight of triumph probably...

Fuck, he was screwed.

The new childlike nerves were deciding to now kick start.

"Yeah, sure whatever...." John was slightly distrusting in tone.
He walked away, knowing that they were behind him.

Come on Johnny, think of something!

Find a decent motel
But how does he get in a 'used room' without paying another right in front of them
Somehow trick them....maybe swipe up some blokes keycard?
No they'd see that
Hmmm....how bout the seeing card?
It'd work on civilians, the security and the workers, that'd get him in; but would it work on the magic users trailing after him?
In his experience, no. Zed caught it pretty quickly, and she attuned her abilities to touch, not a whole lot with sight.
He could lose them.....lose them in the crowd? His now smaller size could come in handy...either way he needed to do something soon...
Last thing he needed was to get shipped off to some boarding school....

Albus watched as John lost himself in thought.
No doubt scheming to get away.
It wasn't a secret that the boy wanted nothing to do with them.

"Skeptical are we headmaster?" Severus deduced.

Albus gave a small smile, "A bit yes."

McGonagall frowned, "The boys a good liar, if I haven't been a teacher as long as I have been, I would've oblivious."

Snape nodded shortly, "He obviously knows a bit of magic himself, be it the general knowledge or practice, even if he didn't about ours he was too nonchalant about the information."

"Yes, but why have the need to run? We are only here to help!"

"Yes Minerva, but perhaps that's the problem?" Albus spoke in his, as per usual, wise tone(annoying Severus to no seeable end). "Perhaps the lad is troubled? Or weary? We are strangers to him after all."

"And what about his parents? I deem it unexceptable to willingly subject your child to the world's dangers, not even to just the wizarding but the muggle as well!"

"Perhaps he doesn't." Snape grew their attention. "It'd be a possibility of why he wasn't recorded. If he was in an orphanage he'd at least be listed, so perhaps he's on his own. It would explain his more mature exterior compare to others his age."

Albus nodded, "In the case, it could be very likely. I foresee a chance of Mr. Constantine to.....how do the muggles say it.....'ditch us'?"

McGonagall and Snape nodded, ready to stop whatever childish idea the boy leading them would come up with.

John Constantine and The Useless Magic RockWhere stories live. Discover now