9 3/4? I dont get it.

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John straightened out his tie.

While John didn't have much clothing outside his school uniforms, god that was so weird to think about, but thankfully the Leaky Cauldron had places to wash them for those staying for an extended amount of time.

His luggage had been strapped together nicely, waiting with him by the door.

Earlier he returned his room key to Ed and here he was now.

Fiddling with his thin red tie.

He would've been reading more of the Latin book he picked up from gambling-by unfortunately this wasn't the place to do that nor was he able to anyways.
He stuffed the damn thing in his bag.

But looking on the bright side, he still had that joke book to glance through later.

"Constantine. I've been given the absolute joy to dropped you off at the King's Cross Station."

What was he takin a magical train too?

"The quickest way there would be Apparition. I would've done this for Diagon Alley but there weren't any decent places to land."

That another spell?

"Uhh...sir. What's Apparition?"

Snape rose his famous brow, he certainly did that a lot didn't he?

Well....at least when John was around.

"An advanced Transportation Spell. Performing the spell correctly will allow the caster to go place to place."


Snape's mouth curled upwards,

"Now grab your belongs or they will be left behind."
John pulled his luggage and his owl with him up to his teacher's side.

Snap placed a careful hand on John's shoulder, earning a startled face from the younger.
The Professor scoffed, "Apparition can allow the transportation of more than one person. Unfortunately, when casting the spell, to guarantee them all going to the same location-the caster must make physical contact with the others."

Yeah, that's a bit of a letdown actually.

"Oh and Constantine? Do us both a favor and not throw up?"

John's eye blew wide
Throw up?

"Throw up?! WhatDoYouThrowUp?!AHHH-"
The world spun around him, dragging and stretching him along the way.

Ed smiled, "See-ya Johnny."


John tried to land on his feet, only managing a foot and a knee instead.

He groaned as both his head and stomach didn't stop spinning like the rest of him did.

Ignoring the feeling, he turned to the bird cage he still held.
"Jesus Christ.......Oooo.....you alright there Astra?"

Astra shook it off, popping back up into a sitting fashion.

"Atta girl."

"Constantine. This way."

Standing(wobbling really) back up, he dragged his things with him, allowing him to see where Snape took him.

Damn....it actually was a train station.

"Put your belongings minus a school robe into the back after you board. After that you will choose a room until you arrive."

Snape had pointed to different parts of the train where dozens of kids and parents alike were holding.

The train it's looked old fashioned, kids of different ages hanging out the different windows.

Nodding John turned around to the Professor.
"Alright sir, guess I'll see you there-"

John blinked at the empty space before muttering a 'Bastard' and took off for the train.

A big sign held off the side of a wall,
"Platform 9 3/4?"

John furrowed his eyebrows his confusion, "How in the bloody hell does that work?"

Once again shaking his head at the wonder of the wizard community logic, he did what he was told.


John had changed in one of the train's bathrooms, a bit of a wait, but John didn't mind.
Once done, he stuffed his clothes back in the bags and placed his belongings in the back of the train.

All the children on board had put their things in a large compartment room, like the luggage area on a plane.

After everything he needed to do was completed, he found himself alone in a spot near the back.

The rooms were decently sized, a booth seat on side, able to contain around 2-3 people on each.

John, of course, chose one of the window seats.

Outside the doors were the loud muffled sounds of children walking past, chattering and laughing.

John sighed-if only he had headphones or something........or something...

He reached into a pocket where he swapped the small book from his coat and into his robes.
This ought to keep him occupied.


"Do you mind if I sit here? Most of the other seats are full..."

The two boys looked to each other and shrugged.

The girl with bushy brown haired gave them a grateful look, before looking at one more closely....

"Merlin.......you're Harry Potter aren't you!?"

The boy shrugged helplessly, still not knowing what it meant to be him.


"Do you know what house you're going in Malfoy?"

A young boy scoffed at the girl who asked.
"Tsk-a redundant question really, EVERY Malfoy recorded has been nothing else than a Slytherin!"

There were sounds of agreement following the boy, as if it was the most obvious thing in Earth.


John had put the book down a while ago, instead, taking a much needed sleep in which he missed the night before.

The mage fortunately woke up in time to see the train come into the school's view.

John gaped.


John felt his stomach dropped as well, an inkling of an old memory peeping through his well sculpted walls.

From how Hogwarts looked....John realized that maybe he'd have a harder time than he thought..... because his new school reminded John of Newcastle.


Sorry, sorry-I've had that fuckin song in my head all day-furthermore!

          We are almost to Hogwarts.

John Constantine and The Useless Magic RockWhere stories live. Discover now