Synchroncity Wave Travel(or luck)

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"Or are you as stuck as I am?!"

John Constantine was a confidence man, a trickster of the highest caliber.

He's fooled humans, angels and demons alike; and he was damn good at it too.

He's saved countless lives, including his own, more times than he cared to remember.

This time's con?
Well, if John's working theory was correct, then the only thing he could achieve from this:
And a bonus of satisfaction on the side.

Synchronicity Wave Traveling hasn't let him down so far!

The demon didn't respond, it's childish trickster persona cutting short.

"You see mate-here's what I think it's goin, you and your valued time, didn't just decide that you weren't up for visible visitation, but couldn't."

John felt his lips quirked up, making up shit on the space in a somehow feasible manner has been a talent of his going back from his own childhood, generations even.

The Laughing Magicians were known for quite a few things, deceiving great foes wasn't just some bad character trait John picked up along the way.

Well it was.......but there's more to it to that!

"Usin your own logic here, in a world so immersed in magic, shouldn't you have been effected as well?!"

John never stopped looking, waiting for the demon to call his bluff and attack him from behind.
The occurrence has happened far too often.

"Think about it!-this-this-community!-has a society compared to nothing back on our Earth! Neighborhoods, shops, motels, governments and for god sakes-yes there's a school!"

"With all energy has to be neutral at the least; There's no way that'd they be here if it was darker! Not with the the kind of air they have! Hell! It'd probably be more like....well, like hell in terms of structure."

"'d have to be stupid to forget that the best thing bat against the likes of you: is light."


" there's more to it than that......this experiment gone wrong....that couldn't've be the main reason for this. I don't believe you! A high ranking demon like you taking down someone like me? Well you'd be a hero back home! That was the plan innit?" 

"QuITe DELusIONaL ArEnT YoU JoHn?"

"Wasn't a 'no' scumbag."
He pointed a finger out of spite, regardless of not actually seeing the entity.
"Im-a-gine that, your brilliant idea backfired!"

The light above him shattered, making the 'young' man cover his head
(effectively cutting off his lighter).

John peeked his eyes open, slowly dragging his arms back down.

"Heh......." he shook his coat of some glass, "......wonder if he was mad....."


"Woah!" John ducked in surprise, his head whipping to where his he saw the only female Professor he met. "....uh...hey teach..."

"Are you done with whatever childish stunts you hoped to accomplish?!"
There was a slight pant.

John wasn't gone for that long.....oh...she must've ran.......

Eh, her own fault.
John shrugged it off, physically and mentally.

"I wasn't doin nothing Ma'am-promise! I was just leaving, see? Heh, or don't?"
Gesturing to the lack of lights provided in the room and they existed.

"I was checking so see if I forget something, nothin I think is childish, but apparently that spoke for itself."

Snark and redirection

The elder woman sighed quietly, apparently so done with the day that she turned and walked the way they came.

"Not so much as an apology?"
Well he did lie.
"Point taken."

And with that he followed her.


"Alright let's hit the road!" John produced a bounce in his step as he walked out from the elevator, McGonagall behind him.

"And I suppose you got that out of your system Constantine?" The greasy lookin guy, Snape, commented.

"Ughh!" John leaned back in a show of dramatics, "How many times do I have ya tell ya!" He straightened out again, "I was making sure I wasn't leaving nothin behind! I don't carry much, so all is where I want it to be!"

Albus had honored John to look a tad bit confused, a goal John mentally made and promised to keep continuing as the man constantly saw right through him.

Him and that man Snake.


He'll get the hang of this somehow.

John Constantine and The Useless Magic RockWhere stories live. Discover now