Midnight Exploits

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John closed his dresser a little louder than he meant to....

Alright, bad news:He didn't get to Harry in time to ask him for his magical piece of fabric.
Good news: John didn't care much for it anyways.

Yea, it would've made his job was fuckin easier-but when were any of his jobs ever just that?!

The good old fashioned way it was then!

Draco had been wondering if the blonde would sneak out.

He had initially thought about his peer returning in it in daylight, but the more he thought about the strange topics, he learned that similar books weren't even available to first years.

That meant that Constantine has snuck out on at least multiple occasions and Draco wanted to know why.

Truth be told, he's always been a bit nosy, but this was for the greater good of their house!

If Constantine was caught one of these days, one of the teachers would deduct a major amount of house points from them!
It wasn't unusual for a teacher not to like any of the Slytherins; favoritism at it's finest.

Snape and McGonagall did it to their houses just for the sake of them being their own.

Because of that, Constantine would more than likely be given harsher treatment regarding himself and a large sum of points thanks to that bias against his house.

If Draco was to become Prefect sooner or later, then he needed to set examples and maintain order.

Starting with telling Constantine to stay put after dark.


John pressed himself up against the wall, currently sneaking around the halls and unaware of his struggling follower.

He had collected all the information he could from the current books he had; perhaps he could look into borrowing another?

The mage made his way to the library door when it came into view, a quick wave of his hand to ease the door unlocked and opened.

Draco had tried to keep up with the blonde, the dark hiding Constantine's vigilant movements.

He ducked when he heard the quite whispering.

Draco looked around the hall for their location, but he didn't see anything.

Straining his eyes, he could make out the familiar voices of Potter and his friends.

They were out as well?!

This could be Draco's chance to rat them out as the stuck-up, fame seeking inferiors they were who appeared to think that they could get away with whatever they wanted!

All because they were Gryffindor.

He glanced in the direction that he saw Constantine go last.

Of course it was the opposite way.

Draco bit his lip at the two choices and the sound of fading footsteps.

He decided.

Constantine has gotten himself in and out of the library multiple times already.
He was fine.

John Constantine and The Useless Magic RockDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora