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John winced at his bandaged hand.

Last night had been atrocious.

Madam Pomfrey had reluctantly let him loose, even when it was this early, but not without checking over every corner for further injury.

The mage scowled, no doubt that by now word has been passed though the student body.

"Three first year Gryffindors and a Slytherin beat the intruder to a pulp! Including the infamous Harry Potter!"

He could already see the backlash....he already had enough of a scolding from his teachers!

John had done it.

He had burnt the troll to a crisp.

He wasn't regretful.

Every one of those feathery pricks up there knew he's taken care of his enemies in far worse fashions-the only thing he wished differently was the presence of the children on the other side of the corpse, staring on like they just had been told 'Magic was real!'

Oh wait-

They all jumped as the door was pushed open and in came Snape, McGonagall and.......Quirrell?

Of all people to bring?

They gaped at the scene presented to them.

"Explain yourselves!"

The Harry and Ron stuttered with an explanation before Hermione stood up, covering her friend's hides.

"It was my fault Professor!"

John felt his mouth fall open-what?!
Harry and Ron peered at her with confusion.

"I had read about Mountain Trolls and-and I thought I could take it! But I had been surely mistaken. Ron, Harry and John saved my life."

The Gryffindor head took on a severely disappointed expression-borderline furious really.

Why would Granger do that?

At her own expense she helped her friends and John by lying through her teeth!

But she didn't deserve the scolding she was withstanding!
Both of them were there at the wrong place and the wrong time!

It wasn't her fault just as much as it wasn't John's!

"-10 points from Gryffindor! I am disappointed in your great lack of judgment Ms Granger."

She looked over to the boys, who all remained silent when she went loose.

"15 points to Gryffindor and Slytherin. For the sheer dumb luck!"

Well John couldn't help but feel a tad bit offended now-

She motioned them towards the door, and John had barely noticed his potions teacher looking at him oddly.

Whatever his problem was-he could shove it.
John was ready to go have a check-in with his bed right about now.

On his way out, John stuck his lighter back in his pocket; last thing he needed  was for it to get confiscated by using it as a handheld flamethrower.

John Constantine and The Useless Magic Rockحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن