In Session

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When the Malfoy kid went back upstairs, John was tempted to leave him.
Though it would've been nice to have a guide.

He took his schedule out from his robe pocket, unfolding the sheet to look through as he waited for his new companion to accompany him to breakfast.

Period One-Transfigurations
Period Two-Charms
Period Three-Potions
Period Four-Astronomy
Period Five-Herbology
Period Six-Defense Against the Dark Art(DADA)
Period Seven-History of Magic




Draco stepped down the stairs holding an air of confidence, straggling along behind him were two barely awake lugs.

"This is Crabbe," he motioned to the right, "and Goyle." to the left.

They were clearly the blonde's brainless lackeys, being dragged out of bed this early for a kid they didn't know.
And with how Draco handled himself, anyone with eyes could tell he was in charge of the child posse.

The good news, was that Draco really did have the best sense of direction.

The odd news were that every kid(mostly in Hufflepuff or Gryffindor) would avoid eye contact or their path altogether if they weren't a Slytherin.

What the hell was that about?

In the great hall, unsurprising, there weren't too many other kids there.
The adults were up and moving for obvious reasons, but children were scarce in high numbers.

They made way to a large table filled with morning preferred meals: eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, ham, etc.
The drinks were a bit more diverse than last night, whatever the hell they had yesterday was in the first place.

Consisting mostly of orange juice, lemonade, water and coffee for the select few.
A few John was apart of.

They grabbed plates and took what looked appetizing.

John went for his simple yet effective routine.
Toast, eggs, bacon, and black coffee.

He felt as if he were in the circus, balancing the glass dish in one hand and holding up the goblet-didn't know what the hell was wrong with a mug-to random bench seat.

Draco landed himself across him, Crabbe and Goyle taking his sides respectively.

"We have transfigurations first hour, with the Gryffindor house."
A tone of disgust was evident. "Ravenclaw would've been the ideal choice for practically all year. Now we must sit through classes with those buffoons."

John listened to Draco's decided, clear opinion as he took in his coffee, feeling the affects of the caffeine and the coffee's bitterness wake him soundly.

"Throughout our first and second year, everyone will have the same classes and schedules. Once we advance to third year and on, thankfully electives will be open to us."

"Do you have any plans for electives yet Malfoy?"

"Of course, I will be following my father into a high ranking within the ministry. Nothing less expected from a Malfoy! Once I inquire the proper electives Hogwarts offers that the ministry require, I will enroll and pass each course with ease!"

John Constantine and The Useless Magic RockWhere stories live. Discover now