Numbered Days

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John watched the stuttering man through narrowed eyes.

It had been a few weeks and the man still hasn't done anything out of his ordinary.

But John wasn't givin up that easily.

Demons and spirits hid within the shells of humans all the time, usin them as suits through the days while their poor souls were in agony.

All this meant was that John needed to think outside the box.

Or more specifically-

Outside of his dorms.

First order of business was to find out where this stone actually was.
The mage would either keep an eye on it or move the rock altogether.

Next was to keep those kids benched somehow.

He's kept an eye on them too.

They were going to act soon if their jittery body languages had anything to say about it.
This was a bit tricky as they weren't in the same house, but if his name wasn't John Constantine, then he'd do it somehow.

Of course all the while keepin an eye peeled for the future thief in question.

He'd try to find out more from Snape or even Dumbledore but why the fuck would they let a kid help?
Why the fuck would they believe him?

Like everything else, he was goin solo.


There wasn't any time left.

The year's end was almost here and the stone will have been moved!

Despite finally learning of it's location, all his work will have been in vain and his master will be most displeased.

He's failed his master enough, he needed to venture down to it's chamber soon.

No matter who was in their way.


Draco wasn't stupid.

Despite the many of his peers and colleagues, he actually had a brain.

The young wizard could practically see a rising tension.
But he didn't understand why.

Potter and his lowlife friends were sneaking around, his teachers were distracted and tense, and even a member of his own house was acting strange.
Somehow Constantine was a part of this-whatever this was.
He was quiet.

Well.....quieter than usual.

Anyone with a sliver of intelligence could see that the blonde despised the bumbling man Quirrell.
And it was natural, everyone in their house couldn't've cared for the moron.

But what was different was that Constantine didn't payed attention to his every move before now.

Here he was currently, across the room, watching Constantine watch Quirrell.

What occurred to make his peer so vigilant around the man?
Something deep down told Draco that it wasn't just some small matter.

He'd leave him alone.
For now.

Just because he hasn't cost them many points yet.


John Constantine and The Useless Magic RockTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang