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John cupped his hands around the mug of coffee.

A month ago, the classes of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry began.

So here's a recap:
-McGonagall was strict but badass.

-Mr. Filtwick was a short, encouraging half goblin(John was confused how that worked out) that apparently helped the choir Hogwart's apparently had.

-Snape was his usual hardass self, especially to that Potter kid(mate could walk a step off and get scolded).

-Ms. Sinistra was an astronaut wanna-be.

-Ms. Sprout was probably more plant than human.

-Quirrell still gave John an off feeling.
-Mr. Binns was a literal fucking ghost.

Anyone that can't pay attention in that class obviously doesn't understand the significance of this.

John gripped the mug closer as it lost more warmth.

Oh-that was another thing!

A few lessons in, John grew impatient of Transfigurations and looked into it.
Now he solved some of his problems after only a few attempts.

It was a tad bit unfair though.....not the reading ahead bit, that was Granger's whole routine, but him already having as much experience as the teachers showing them, was a bit shit for them.

The only reason why he was able to make this much progress, this fast, was because he already contains the mindset required for casting any kind of spell!

Not a lot of practice needed.

"Malfoy! Check it out-Madame Houche's class is starting up this week! Flyings gonna be wicked!"
Blaise passed out a handful of forms he held, then sat down on John's side.

That, was a something else going on.

Apparently, John had been deemed fit enough to be integrated within Malfoy's squad of sorts.

The number itself has more than likely tripled within the month, majority being of their own house of course.

So that brought John here, squished between Blaise Zabini and one of the Slytherin girls Tracey Davis.

Going around the closer circle here, Vincent Crabbe was on Blaise's left while across the table Theodore Nott sat beside the pug-faced girl, Pansy Parkinson, who was fawning over the distressed Draco Malfoy, who in turn, was distressed because Parkinson, was fawning over him.
To his right hung around Gregory Goyle, then Daphne Greengrass; across was Millicent Bulstrode, Tracey and then square one.

He says that he's in the group very lightly-John knew to keep his distance from everyone.
Slytherin or not.

John wasn't a high member-known to act like Draco or Pansy;
He wasn't a follower either, Crabbe and Goyle fit the role of their lackeys just fine.

He wasn't expected to do much.
And that was fine with him.

"Hmph. It took her long enough! I trust everyone here will be signing up?"
Thanks to the rise in numbers, Malfoy's ego grew right along with it. They aren't wrong when they say strength is in numbers-so Malfoy takes the motto to a T, dragging as many members along with him wherever he goes.

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